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Sherlene: The Reason Why I Am Changing My Political Party

Dear Fellow U.S. Citizen, As a former 2016 presidential candidate (Write-In, Republican), I feel like my current values of helping others require me, begs me, to change my political-party stand from being a Republican to a Democrat.   Republicans believe in freedoms that express that all citizens have the right to independently pursue their own financial status in their lifetime (work as hard or little as you want, give much or little as you want to your family-line generations), that all citizens should have the right to keep their hard-earned money and to not give a large percentage of it away to big dysfunctional governmental programs and welfare services via taxes, and lastly, that all citizens have the right to choose their political party, religious views, and to preserve the definition of the traditional family classification in our country. President Trump has had a lifelong pursuit of being President. The reality is what he had set out to do has been achieved....
Recent posts

Sherlene: 10 Family-Friendly Vehicle Models No Longer Being Made After 2019

     According to Kelly Blue Book (September 4, 2019), the following vehicles will no longer be made after this year. Volkswagen Beetle Volkswagen Golf Sportswagen Cadillac ATS Coup Cadillac CTS Ford Fiesta Ford Taurus Chevrolet Vault Chevrolet Cruze Lincoln MKT Buick Cascada                         Copied without correction. Click now to review the original discussion .      You may want to find auto suppliers now if you own any of these vehicle models, who may still carry such vehicle-parts products and accessories.

Sherlene: Devotion Socials and Easter Season 2019

It's time for families of devotion social (GICPA) to decide plans for the Easter season. Many of us will not be celebrating in the traditional manner of praising the crucifixion of Jesus-- the killing of an innocent man and our Saviour, dying on the prisoner's cross. We mourn the suffering that he endured so that we may have the choice to be a part of the everlasting life and real peace. During GICPA devotion socials, I, personally, show no respect/disrespect to the cross symbol.  As we realize, centuries ago, there were so many people who died on such crosses throughout the international lands of Jesus's historical era.  I choose to reflect the visual of the open cross to symbolize the meaning that Jesus is no longer on the traditional prisoner's cross. Why should we mourn for him when he is no longer on the cross? It is because he lives that our sins are forgiven, let's rejoice. During the month of March, our Food Fasting and Healthy Eating/Exercise social. E...

Sherlene: Higher Incomers, Let's Compare Similar Purposes of Your Spending Habits

As one who is protective of my personal character, I have always wanted to say to people who earn higher incomes to maybe not be so public with your purchases.  I think sometimes that higher- incomers show their things to inspire and motivate their audience and fans--to thank them for what they are now able to afford because of them. Or, to show that they have been blessed with such opportunities to spend at various entrepreneurial brands. Today, if you are a public figure that means that your audience and fans are diverse, economically. Some celebrities and public figures, who have climbed the success ladder, may have forgotten what its like to purchase the following products and services. Be mindful with empathy, celebrities and public figures, of what you post on your social media and web site: We know you work hard for what you have, but everybody don't want to see all of that especially when layoffs and brand closures are happening.--- Comparison Shopping Shopping for ...

Dear Sherlene: Why Are Some White People Dressing As People of Color?

Some may call it racist, I think it's really a personality dysfunction of wanting to know what it's like to be a person of color. Some whites may feel that blacks get more attention--good or bad--than whites. My advice as a person of several races: Dress up like a person of color "at home," for a day, not in public. If you want to know what it's like to be of a different ethnicity, simply dress up or paint your face like one of your beloved friends or celebrity of color. My Native American of color, great-great grandmother (maternal) had a white half-sister. The white-identity side of my family is from the Europe continent. They traveled from Europe and relocated to New York. My great-grandfather, Oscar Clarence Hicks, somehow ended up traveling to Maryland for work. He somehow ventured to the Rock Hall community of  Maryland which is close to a nearby Indian reservation (Piney Neck). While working in the area, he noticed a young native of the area. Her fam...

Sherlene: Citizens' State of the Union Address, "I Thought I Was Giving, I Worked Productively To Give What We Call Taxes"

There are many taxpayers and politicians that are disgusted with the current mishaps of our government's administrative offices. Some are arguing, right now, that funding allocations are not getting to the many citizens who are in need. I think that we should receive, ourselves, such dollars so that we can measure whether we do a better job of financial education--of our needs, building our economics in our communities, and our wants--than government agencies and internal staffers. Such staffers are not accountants or bookkeepers, they are spenders for things that they feel is necessary for our government to run on an everyday basis. The government agencies that have not accounted for the budget money that their office was given to disburse are-- 1. $21 trillion displaced from government-wide of itself that no one knows what happened to the money, from 1985 -2015. 2. Some leaders of administrative offices said that several million dollars of the $21 trillion were given to th...