It's time for families of devotion social (GICPA) to decide plans for the Easter season. Many of us will not be celebrating in the traditional manner of praising the crucifixion of Jesus-- the killing of an innocent man and our Saviour, dying on the prisoner's cross. We mourn the suffering that he endured so that we may have the choice to be a part of the everlasting life and real peace.
During GICPA devotion socials, I, personally, show no respect/disrespect to the cross symbol. As we realize, centuries ago, there were so many people who died on such crosses throughout the international lands of Jesus's historical era. I choose to reflect the visual of the open cross to symbolize the meaning that Jesus is no longer on the traditional prisoner's cross. Why should we mourn for him when he is no longer on the cross? It is because he lives that our sins are forgiven, let's rejoice.
During the month of March, our Food Fasting and Healthy Eating/Exercise social. Even though I don't share the event, like others do, all are welcome to participate. (See Matthew 6:16 -18, KJV bible.) Maybe not so many pancakes or sausage instead of bacon, if you are celebrating Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday.
Our Saviour lives! As his words declare, he came to fulfill what was already spoken would be, and one day he will reappear within the earth realm. Jesus is a part of the Holy Trinity of God. As we continue to humble ourselves daily, let us continue to give to those who are lacking: spiritually, physically, academically, and/or financially. If you are a Christian faith-believer, we are to follow the examples of Jesus's vision of his Church. Let us continue to strive to do the correct things and to proceed on the correct pathways--on purpose.
Let us pray--
Pray for others for what they desire and that he may give to them what they are lacking, pray for your family and self. Next, read now Matthew 6:5 - 15 and Matthew 7:1. Amen. (Amen means let it be so, let all said things be true that you pray.)
GICPA Devotion Social
During GICPA devotion socials, I, personally, show no respect/disrespect to the cross symbol. As we realize, centuries ago, there were so many people who died on such crosses throughout the international lands of Jesus's historical era. I choose to reflect the visual of the open cross to symbolize the meaning that Jesus is no longer on the traditional prisoner's cross. Why should we mourn for him when he is no longer on the cross? It is because he lives that our sins are forgiven, let's rejoice.
During the month of March, our Food Fasting and Healthy Eating/Exercise social. Even though I don't share the event, like others do, all are welcome to participate. (See Matthew 6:16 -18, KJV bible.) Maybe not so many pancakes or sausage instead of bacon, if you are celebrating Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday.
Our Saviour lives! As his words declare, he came to fulfill what was already spoken would be, and one day he will reappear within the earth realm. Jesus is a part of the Holy Trinity of God. As we continue to humble ourselves daily, let us continue to give to those who are lacking: spiritually, physically, academically, and/or financially. If you are a Christian faith-believer, we are to follow the examples of Jesus's vision of his Church. Let us continue to strive to do the correct things and to proceed on the correct pathways--on purpose.
Let us pray--
Pray for others for what they desire and that he may give to them what they are lacking, pray for your family and self. Next, read now Matthew 6:5 - 15 and Matthew 7:1. Amen. (Amen means let it be so, let all said things be true that you pray.)
GICPA Devotion Social