It is a fact that a majority of African-Americans have this untruth that their racial duty and responsibility is to be strictly defined as "workers" of our many occupations, or "receivers" of anything that is left, that is second best. They feel some sense of duty or honor with being a part of this unlabeled working order in America. They love seeing such identifiable images as entertainment (as though it identifies the identity of all blacks). Any other image on the screen isn't being black enough, seems to be a false sense of social reality, or simply doesn't bring in the big rating numbers. What images do you immediately notice, when you look around your community? White leaders (business, entertainment):"Well, if you don't mind ... It works for us." [Hell yeah! Cool.] Even with the vast amount of people, globally, the reality is this form of making our world go around is no longer working for the white-race identity. And when their e...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.