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Showing posts from October, 2015

Sherlene Stevens: Shudder of the Thought of a Democratic Win 2016

Fearless Democratic-Party Agenda and Current Actions for Upcoming Election Campaign 2016  Democrats Wants We want basic, public schools open whether they have proper heating/cooling, or lack of enrollment. Next we want to invent free, basic college models. What was once considered higher learning will be no more. We want more skilled, low-entry workers such as nurses instead of doctors, teachers instead of principals. We want the People's House and Congress to be the new, long-standing Democratic work center. We want to continue the tradition of calling law enforcement --local sheriffs-- for social and family injustices (mostly for juveniles and college-age student behaviors). We want group actions in everything that America does.  Is it a political party or a cultural gang? We need basic, public schools to extend their days with no formal afterschool transportation in rural communities. We want an even bigger government which will demand bigger tax dollars from l...

Sherlene Stevens: Are Your Fears Keeping You From Your Fullest Potential

Source: Hyde, M. Does anyone know the proper name of the phobia of having a woman as President? Woman President of color? Proper Name of Phobia                                        Fear Description Acrophobia                                                        height Agoraphobia                                                      open spaces, market place, etc. Ailurophobia                                                      cats Anthropophobia       ...

Sherlene Stevens: Million Man March 20th Anniversary

What we learned from the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March Summary (Just a woman's perspective) It wasn't a traditional social event; It is considered a social-cause movement, and the theme was Justice or Else! You had a "modernized choice" of viewing it on a local, TV cable channel such as C-SPAN or hosted event streaming. Don't you just love live streaming?  BET cable-channel did not air the gathering which has caused African-American audience disappointment of the latest re-branding effort of the network.  I've learned that women-of-color really do intrude the man cave. ... an all-male focused conference ... I am embarrassed of such actions, and I take this moment to apologize to the men present: Sorry . If your man doesn't trust himself--alone--to be in such a social setting, then he shouldn't attend with you (of the female gender :) The speech, Ladies:  "It's all about respect and trust. Respect for the socially focuse...

September's Tweets: Varied Topics

Tweet Summary for September "And You, Your Point of View Is__?"  is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Tweets Contributor: Families, general public. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. Food Safety Tips during Weather-Related Events How long, America, are we going to socially focus on race, and Kloran (KKK) or Koran (Islamic faith)? Black Lives Matter topic. "Be like us KKK social group; take off the sheets and discard your current brand logo." So what are faith-based businesses? When answering exclude churches, non-profits or large corporations (businesses). Humanity topic. "I know what it's like to be __." "I've always wanted to work with someone who knows a lot about __." There is a silent expression of excitement when we must struggle, or face death and destruction. "One's group's strengths is considered another g...