As many of you know, my maternal grandmother passed away a few weeks ago (October 1) from kidney and heart failure. Before her recent passing, she was on dialysis for a few years. I know many of you probably have cherished entertainers and similar stories of loved ones who are no longer living in the earth realm. As I was preparing my favorite videos list (Youtube) for our global December-holiday theme, I was listening and thinking about so many favorite entertainers, that we all have enjoyed, that are no longer living in the earth realm. Deceased musicians and singers that gave us that favorite song to sing or dance to. Deceased actors displaying their emotions on the screen (TV, film) or play. Deceased entertainers who, when they were alive, were as real (easy going and nonjudgmental) to us as a favorite relative. Though they're no longer with us their lively actions remain within the entertainment industry (secular or faith-focused entertainment). Which brings me t...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.