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Showing posts from June, 2011

Introduction:Holy Bible Chp. 4 & Surah 2:42-48

Introduction Aired 9/20/2010. Question posed? Is the male species incapable of completing a task or goal alone?  Since we know that God (Yaweh, Allah) created everything for him in the beginning of creation? Do females have the innate ability to follow through on tasks? As discussed earlier, the first Man and Woman were created on the continent of Africa. Africans and Arabians orginally spoke Hebrew and wrote from right to left.  This is why Algebra is best studied in this fashion.  The Hebrew people understand the full origin of sacrifices unto the Lord.  We do  know that there were animal sacrifices, crop sacrifices, and human sacrifices. The first sacrifices within these categories were also important.  It isn't about just giving, or giving the best of your ability.  It is about showing that you are thankful for your ability or blessing. Example: You can give a smile (thankful) to a stranger and yet, have an ugly attitude o...

Chapter 3 (Genesis): Torah, Holy Bible/Surah II (The Cow):29-41: Holy Quran

Aired 9/13/10 With all this goodness in Chapter 3 (Genesis) we find that the first Man and Woman were not obeying God (Allah, Yahweh). The very first verse of this chapter introduces the old, evil Satan. Animals can be evil. Eve should have said, "Why am I listening to you Satan? You didn't create me." vs. 3 Notice the tree was positioned in the Middle of the Garden. vs. 5 as gods?! We should not strive to be like many gods. Our focus should be like the one true God, our Creator. vs. 6 Eve takes a look at the tree. Now, Satan was a high ranking male angel who was kicked out of heaven. All high ranking angels, and most biblical angels, were said to be males.  We are not suppose to worship the angels. We worship God. vs. 7 There nakedness meant that they knew that they shouldn't have eaten from the tree: They now have new knowledge of humanity.  It revealed to them what is good and evil on earth. vs. 8  They (Adam and Eve) ...

Genesis Chapter 3 Introduction, contd

NewMonday Evening Live! Hostess: Sherlene Stevens Airs each Monday of the American calendar, yearly 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time Live from Wilmington, DE Note: This a weekly Interfaith newsletter of topics discussed on show.  It is available each Tuesday for distribution. Mission: To provide study scripture lessons to new faith believers or  ministries/companies that would like to learn more of including Interfaith programs.  For large copy sharing please subscribe to either the show or this blog.  If you would like to submit your amateur song or be a guest on future shows please send an email to or by mail at Its An Event and Company,  Attn: Radio Show, P.O. Box 26192, Wilmington, DE 19899. Please support this blog by sending a subscription donation of any amount.  Thank you for your support. In This Issue aired 9/13/2010 Male and female oneness, togetherness, or relationship is our picture of God (...