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Introduction:Holy Bible Chp. 4 & Surah 2:42-48

Aired 9/20/2010.

Question posed?
Is the male species incapable of completing a task or goal alone?  Since we know that God (Yaweh, Allah) created everything for him in the beginning of creation? Do females have the innate ability to follow through on tasks?

As discussed earlier, the first Man and Woman were created on the continent of Africa. Africans and Arabians orginally spoke Hebrew and wrote from right to left.  This is why Algebra is best studied in this fashion.  The Hebrew people understand the full origin of sacrifices unto the Lord.  We do  know that there were animal sacrifices, crop sacrifices, and human sacrifices. The first sacrifices within these categories were also important.  It isn't about just giving, or giving the best of your ability.  It is about showing that you are thankful for your ability or blessing. Example: You can give a smile (thankful) to a stranger and yet, have an ugly attitude or intention (sinful) of its purpose.

The majority of Whites who live on the continent of Europe spoke Greek. They wrote using the opposite writing format of the Hebrews - left to right.  Today, we use the Greek version of the Holy Bible that is more descriptive of event details. Allowing us to visualize historical events more accurately. The Hebrews were unable to describe such events within their own language.  They were unable to reveal to strangers the historical events that occurred within their lands - Africa and Asia.

An example, Hebrew: Adam was in the Garden.
Greek: The first Man lived in the Garden of Eden with his wife, Eve, in Africa. 
Today, we use the Greek version of the Holy Bible. The Book of Genesis in Greek means "origin."

Vocabulary: 1) offering - first of blessings of any kind; Christian tithe; 2) poor-rate -Islamic tithe; 3) tithe - a % of money earned or received

Holy Bible: Chap 4
vs. 1 "knew" means he made love, or had sexual relations with Eve. Could man have had a child without Eve? Could Eve even become pregnant without Adam during this time in history? Eve did not say her child was given by Adam, but was given by the creator, God.

*Add Lord to the Name Classification Sheet under God. Cain in Hebrew means "I have acquired."

In Bible times names and family lines were important.  So names were chosen carefully.  Some even named their children what they wanted in their lives, or what their lives had become. 

vs. 2 Abel means breath, vapor, or son.  Abel worked tending to the sheep.  Cain was a farmer. First, we are sons/daughters of God and family. Then, to our church family. Amen.

vs. 7 if you do not do your best than you are inviting trouble into your life. We should always strive to do our best in all that we do and in relationships that we have.

vs 8  Cain killed his own brother.  Notice the Hebrew language, "he killed him" without using a lot of adjectives. Slew him with no harsh description of the action.

vs. 11 personification of the earthly ground as Mother of Nature

vs. 12 a fugitive meaning always running from what is holy because of the murdering sin or sin.

vs. 14 Cain, the first born of the first holy Man and Woman.  The Holy Bible does not say he apologized for killing his brother.  Cain did not want to endure his punishment.

vs. 15 sevenfold means 7 times worse than Cain's punishment. Apparently, there were other humans near the Garden of Eden.

vs. 18 Enoch means dedicated; Irad means unknown; Mehujael smitten; and Lamech means wild man.

vs. 19 During this time it was not a sin to be in love with two women and to marry them.
To summarize this chapter, God created men/women that believed in him to call upon him.  Some say this is the beginning of telling others about their God.  Was this the first family of Lay Speakers as we know it?

Holy Quran: Surah II: 42-48
vs. 42 poor-rate tithe, and fellowship with other Muslim believers. Muslims pray five times a day.
1.Fajr before sunrise
2.Dar afternoon
3.Ahsir midday
4.Magrie after sunset
5. Izshia after dark
Friday prayer is Jumaa. Friday is the weekly holy day in Islam.

vs. 44 Allah (God) could have been speaking to preachers (Imams).
vs. 45 If you are humble than it's easy to hear from Allah.
vs. 46 We all will die one day and see our Creator
vs. 47 Could it be that the first Godly family were Jewish?
vs. 48 There will come a day when there will be no repentance for a human sacrifice. God will show his anger for such events.

Next time Chapter 5 (Holy Bible - Genesis)