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Woman to Woman

From the Editor:
Ladies, this is the last week of honoring us. I am soo sorry that many of you have not had normalcy in your life experiences. As a black female, that has listened to your discussions of your challenges, perhaps God allowed me to have a normal upbringing so that I can guide you from my normal experiences. Though, there has been many times where I was teased by black individuals (on welfare) because of my "normalcy." Please don't allow jealousy or envy to destroy opportunities for us to mature in family bonding and normalcy.  I understand that you all want a "piece of the pie." How do you expect to create the right kind of pie if you're not willing to listen to someone who has the recipe? I can only help those who trust me, and desire to get out of the bondage that you and/or your family is in. If you are sincere in wanting to change your generational mishaps/dysfunctions purchase my book, The Script in My Box.

My recent book describes how one negative community can change a family's situation into total dysfunction.  Yet, they call it normalcy because situations that I discuss in my book are normal ways of living for them. Honestly, one day I said to myself, "I must be dreaming. I am from this place, and this can not be happening." The citizens consider themselves to be normal, and, me, well not normal because I had ambition and goals. They wouldn't allow me out of many eventful situations, and when they did it was without my own children, four children that never asked to come into their world. They hid their shame from me for so long, and we I was finally able to understand it all I had faced the very same sufferings or dysfunctions that is considered their "normal." Purchase The Script in My Box.  You will be so glad that you did.

My next hosted event will be Honoring Men Month (June). This year's theme is Just Chill: Music, Tools, and a Clean Ride. Congratulations to Latonya Bl. and Christine Te. who won a copy of my book!

Your Family Bonding Consultant,
Sherlene Stevens

The New Monday Show
On last night's radio broadcast I completed Praise and Worship in completing the Book of Numbers (Holy Bible). I continue to pray that the 7 United Methodist churches of Kent County, MD will vote for me. Most are on fixed income and can not afford to pay for there pastors. The broadcast was about women from the Islamic beliefs (Surah IV: Women) point of view. I also discussed the definition of normalcy. If you haven't done so you are welcome to listen to the segment at  24/7

Let's talk Woman to Woman
Ladies, we teach each other. This southern gal has learned a few social skills since my divorce. You have taught me
  • How to take pride in living as a single woman.
  • How to live independently in a rental of my own. I taught you the importance of paying bills/credit.
  • How to operate an in-home dryer. I taught you how to hang clothes :)
  • How to operate central heating. I still forget to turn down the thermostat. :)
  • How to ride a public bus. I taught you if you can own your own than you should.
  • How to operate a cell phone. I was never a tech type of person.
  • How to operate in-home central air. You must install window air conditioners in country homes.
  • How to take a sip of a drink. I still don't like the taste of most alcoholic beverages :)
Thank you for participating in our, not just mine, hosted event. Many more to follow. Let's continue to help one another-educate, inspire, and uplift. Hugs.