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Let's talk: Divorce and Co-Parenting

Just because you get a divorce, parenting doesn't stop... Shouldn't stop! Do you know this nasty word, co-parenting. Most traditional legal systems and judges do not like this nasty word because it offers too much flexibility in parenting arrangements--who will do what and when? Will there be consistent routines in place? I know, right, all of these challenging questions while your trying to get over an "adult" ... but not your child(ren).

Yes, parents, can and many do, co-parent after divorce or separation. Be creative in new parenting expectations: more or less demands, habit building routines, and more should be discussed between you and your ex, and, then, external people that you both associate with.  If not you will have too many people in your bizamiss (pardon the cultural slang).

Some suggestions

  1. What daily routines does your family follow regarding  mealtime? chores? schoolwork? playtime? television habits? bedtime? friends/relationships?
  2. What traditions does your family have regarding  holidays? vacations? birthdays? other special occasions?
  3. What patterns of behavior does your family have regarding  discipline? praise? expressing feelings? asking for help or support?
An example of an official divorce decree. My ex-husband and I received this after our divorce in 2007.