Spring Cleaning Ok, those participating, we have finished the normal spring cleaning. Source S. Getzkin. (March 21-23, 2014). Hoarders: Buried Alive . USA Weekend. Have you cleaned? Clean and store winter tools and sports gear. Bring out spring gear. Clean and store winter clothes in pest-proof bags and containers. Toss in a cedar bar if possible. Bring out spring and summer items. Donate any items not using, consignment, or have a yard sale. Wash winter sheets, blankets and comforters. Make certain that you have reviewed all food expiration labels. Donate any canned goods not using to a local food pantry. Throw away freezer food items that are more than six months old. Donate any magazines and books you've read to your local library, senior center, or hospital waiting area. Remove the address label of each item donated. Use a basket to hold traveling items in your vehicle trunk. Take an inventory of gardening supplies and plants that survived winter. Create a nurse...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.