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Other Spring Cleaning and Ready for May

Spring Cleaning

Ok, those participating, we have finished the normal spring cleaning.
Source S. Getzkin. (March 21-23, 2014). Hoarders: Buried Alive. USA Weekend.

Have you cleaned?

  • Clean and store winter tools and sports gear. Bring out spring gear.
  • Clean and store winter clothes in pest-proof bags and containers. Toss in a cedar bar if possible. Bring out spring and summer items. Donate any items not using, consignment, or have a yard sale.
  • Wash winter sheets, blankets and comforters.
  • Make certain that you have reviewed all food expiration labels. Donate any canned goods not using to a local food pantry. Throw away freezer food items that are more than six months old.
  • Donate any magazines and books you've read to your local library, senior center, or hospital waiting area. Remove the address label of each item donated.
  • Use a basket to hold traveling items in your vehicle trunk.
  • Take an inventory of gardening supplies and plants that survived winter. Create a nursery shopping list. Think of  weather challenges when planting new items. 
  • Take an inventory of office or school paper items that you have. Do you need to create a shopping list? (e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, loose-leaf paper, binders, etc.)
I believe that your unique household is now ready for May!!!