Source: The Parent Institute. (n.d.)
Do's and Dont's
Did you know that experts estimate that 70% of all American girls begin dieting between the ages of 14 and 21--regardless of their body image?
- Point out that bodies come in a lot of shapes and sizes. Provide examples of potential role models that your child looks up to.
- Don't allow your child's concern about body type take over their life.
- Help your child remember what's really important.
- Know your own feelings about body type. Be careful what you say and how your body expresses it around your child.
- Don't judge others on the basis of their unique appearance, body size or shape.
- Whomever is the cook at your unique household, be the example for your child of healthy eating habits by teaching food planning.
Danger Signals
- Your child will not eat foods that contain fat.
- Your child is losing a lot of weight. Or, isn't gaining a normal amount of weight for their age and height.
- Your child makes frequent trips to the bathroom after eating. Be cautious, if there is hints of forced vomiting or purging.
- Your child resists eating food--even healthful food because of gaining weight.
- Your child has developed ritualized behaviors about food. Perhaps cutting food into tiny pieces before eating it.
- Your child exercises a lot--especially after eating, or worries constantly about burning off the calories from eating.