Source: Author Unknown. nd. Reprinted without comment.
Baking Soda
Wax Paper
Rolling Pin
Measuring Cup
Cookie Cutters
- In a pan put 1 cup of cornstarch and 2 cups (1 lb. pkg) baking soda. Mix them thoroughly.
- Add one and one-fourth cups of cold water. Place on heat and boil one minute to consistency of moist mashed potatoes. Stir constantly, and be careful as to not over cook.
- Turn out of pan onto a plate.
- Cover with a damp cloth until the mixture cools enough to handle.
- When cool, knead as you would bread or cookie dough. DO NOT FLOUR BOARD!
- Roll out on wax paper to depth of 1/4".
- Cut with cookie cutters to make decorative patterns.
- Insert a small stick (wider than a toothpick) into each ornament. You have just created holes for hanging ornaments.
- Place on cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes at 350F. They may also dry by laying them on paper over night. [Baking them is much faster.]
- Let cool, and paint your ornaments using water colors, tempera or ceramic paint. You may also use clear shellac for a protective clear finish.
A Family-bonding Moment :)