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Dough Ornaments

Source: Author Unknown. nd.  Reprinted without comment.

Baking Soda 
Wax Paper
Rolling Pin
Measuring Cup
Cookie Cutters

  1. In a pan put 1 cup of cornstarch and 2 cups (1 lb. pkg) baking soda. Mix them thoroughly.
  2. Add one and one-fourth cups of cold water. Place on heat and boil one minute to consistency of moist mashed potatoes. Stir constantly, and be careful as to not over cook.
  3. Turn out of pan onto a plate.
  4. Cover with a damp cloth until the mixture cools enough to handle.
  5. When cool, knead as you would bread or cookie dough.  DO NOT FLOUR BOARD!
  6. Roll out on wax paper to depth of 1/4".
  7. Cut with cookie cutters to make decorative patterns.
  8. Insert a small stick (wider than a toothpick) into each ornament.  You have just created holes for hanging ornaments.
  9. Place on cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes at 350F. They may also dry by laying them on paper over night. [Baking them is much faster.]
  10. Let cool, and paint your ornaments using water colors, tempera or ceramic paint.  You may also use clear shellac for a protective clear finish.  
A Family-bonding Moment :)