Tweet Summary for August "And You, Your Point of View Is__?" is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Tweets Contributor: Families, general public. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. Who are the brown people (Native Americans)? yellow people (Mexicans, Latinos)? red people (Asians)? Back in the day, the Catholic pope requested the burning of 1000s of books housed at home libraries and library-model organizations. It use to be, if a child wanted to read books their parents would be required to consent before such actions. Some parts of Europe have banned any/all untraditional religious teachings targeting children and seniors. There is a decline of citizenship and tourism in areas owned by the French, British, and Australia. In the Islamic faith, policies and regulations--developed by Islamic leaders--are only upheld for 10 years; thereafter, such public policies are reintrod...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.