Tweet Summary for August
"And You, Your Point of View Is__?" is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Tweets Contributor: Families, general public. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy.
- Who are the brown people (Native Americans)? yellow people (Mexicans, Latinos)? red people (Asians)?
- Back in the day, the Catholic pope requested the burning of 1000s of books housed at home libraries and library-model organizations.
- It use to be, if a child wanted to read books their parents would be required to consent before such actions.
- Some parts of Europe have banned any/all untraditional religious teachings targeting children and seniors.
- There is a decline of citizenship and tourism in areas owned by the French, British, and Australia.
- In the Islamic faith, policies and regulations--developed by Islamic leaders--are only upheld for 10 years; thereafter, such public policies are reintroduced: reissued, revised, or tossed.
- America, how long are we going to focus on race? the KKK? the Koran?