Should all new businesses have the same traditional, American design layout?
When it's important:
- Communities that are in need of community development efforts should strive to have an overall (community-based) business theme which expresses a productive, community and business partnership vision.
- Communities that are experiencing new-mjority citizen-neighbor shifts: race or income-household levels.
- Business zoning policies may often require specifics of placing business signs, size/color/style of the business sign, etc. Each local community has its own commercial zoning laws and policies.
- New foreign company owners--in America--may want to consider blending into the current social format of local businesses. This may mean eliminating your ethnic-identity symbols and posters.
- If a community is exhibiting phobias of a new business based on the owner's particular race, creed, religion, or product/service offered.
It is important to blend in socially, sometimes, to be a long-standing and productive business owner and company brand in developing communities within our country. I know of some local community shoppers who would rather not be blinded by neon "OPEN" signs (no matter the size), or an 8-feet stuffed animal in the welcome entrance of new businesses. After all, the customers is always right, right?!