This topic is the Ebonic expression of informing another to not say or verbalize communication as in a traditional conversation actions. [In other words, one who raises "the hand" to imaginatively block such verbal listening of another.] Such modern action is actually a form of the old way of Roman Catholicism. It is formally defined, by Catholics, as actions of "excommunication." One or family set that is EXCOMMUNICATED, can not-- Participate in personal community function space in communities, or near the Roman Church (the mother church of most of our today's church sects and denominations foundations or layout administrative leadership and practices designs). Be buried on church-owned land. Continue in an active, formal, real marriage, or in a marital engagement. Have sex with current real spouse (if so ordered by the Church). Sometimes, too, another mate is introduced or assigned (by the Church) to the spouse whom is not found in excommunicated st...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.