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Sherlene Stevens: What Does Jesus's Church Mean To Me

If we are going to celebrate Christmas as a national holiday, doesn't that mean that we are taking actions of recognizing the part about the so-called no-good, the--No, A GOOD--man named Jesus being born within the earth realm? So if Jesus is the reason for the representation of the national holiday, doesn't that mean that we should be able to reference "him" by whatever faith-based name (Jesus, Yahweh, Isa) within public venues when expressing the traditional December holiday (including public school venues and public school music concerts and plays)?! Just a faith-based or scientific hypnotic trance, just a thought, that's all....

"The wise get their inventory
 when they need it; 
Fools get what they need
                                      before they really need or use it." -Sherlene (Dec. 2016)

In the idea of Jesus, are we also to recognize the mission and vision of his church? I would say that everyone seems to understand the mission of Christianity--to save the lost and give to those, by charity, who are lacking. The main challenge, however, is defining the actions of what a modern church does and the role of its faith believers. Are today's churches turning "towards" or "away" from his true vision or purpose of the church?

As part of my community outreach and sharing of my faith with like-minded individuals, I have founded God In Christ's Purpose Assembly--a Christian-based religious organization:
  • Most Christians believe that Jesus (aka., Jesus Christ, Messiah, Yahweh, Isa, Lord, Lord and Saviour) came to heal the sick and raise the dead (dead meaning unproductive human activities or one who doesn't fully participate as a productive citizen). [Scripture text]
This means to me, when participating as a leader of my faith-based outreach,  I am to provide ways of healing hurts and helping people to be productive in their personal and family-devotion self worth. Such actions can only be achieved by referencing the scriptures of the Holy Bible as validation of what we should strive to do as Christian faith believers.
  • Jesus's goal was to save mankind for infinite timeframe. So he went up to heaven, and God and Jesus instructed the Holy Spirit in its job description of his church: a task of coming down to earth and, also, to come up to heaven to guide humankind (childrenkind, womankind, and mankind), faith believers.
 If I am to acknowledge the real vision of  Jesus's church, I must, also, identify him as the Three-Person (God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus).
  • Though each being of the Holy Trinity of God are totally different--yet are one.

In my opinion this means the same of defining us, people. As stated, as a leader of my own community outreach, I must recognize the importance of seeing "individuals" within family sets, and not "family sets" as the individual. Example: One can have several businesses that unite the purpose of participating in business actions, but each business has a different purpose for its actions. 

Lastly, Jesus was a part of heaven and a part of earth; that didn't really make him very different from others of God's chosen people. There were others who did the same. What Jesus was able to do differently was the ability by God and the Holy Spirit to enter and exit hell. That makes Jesus different than any other human. That makes him Christ. And Christ is the one who has given us several gifts including his mission of what we call church. 

How excellent is our one and true living God--the Holy Trinity of God!