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Sherlene: Aretha Franklin Tribute, Quotes Commentary

Aretha Franklin aka The Hummingbird (1942 - 2018). "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." -Lori Holtz

The following song was actually a hymn created (July 24, 1725) by a captain of a Negro slave ship who became a Christian and changed his racist occupation. Later, it would become the anthem of the southern KKK associations. Today, many Christian church members still sing the song during a funeral gathering or Sunday morning worship. From Ms. Aretha and the congregation, can you hear the 1970s community societal woes?

       Are you afraid of people-of-color preachers of the Gospel?
       "Why do we who are the intelligent human animals--homosapiens--fear, hate, dislike and despise                  other humans who are coloured differently from us?" -Michael Hollings

       "Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind." -William Shakespeare

Aretha Franklin's cousin or name set was similar to the life-actions of Ben Franklin, the creator of artificial lighting that we use today:

"Proportion your charity to the strength of your estate, or God will proportion your estate to the weakness of your charity." -Ben Franklin

Aretha Franklin taught herself many of the piano beats of her songs that she wrote. Are you thankful that her well-known biological father and pastor allowed her to play the piano and sing, beginning at a very young age? There were many pastors of color, during the time of her youth, who would ridicule the teachings of such fine-art skills. Franklin came from the childhood experiences of a very pleasant economic social-class lifestyle where such skills were highly suggested and tolerated. Such talent is the reflection of the darkness of America's social or cultural differences of parenting styles:

"As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any inventions of ours." -Ben Franklin

Aretha Franklin was a serious singer who sang with passion; mixed up with her personal feelings and feelings from humanity:

Of R-E-S-P-E-C-T "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." -Galileo Galilei

Lastly, when Aretha Franklin sang she was telling her desires in her music and songs.
"Tell your desires to the wind so that it can give it to the trees to plant and nurture them." -Kahlil Gibran

Paul Tillich said--

The first duty of love is to listen.