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Showing posts from September, 2018

Sherlene: Local Police Brutality

As a victim of police brutality, timely communication actions are very important. I am a victim of fraud. Crimes that occured in various agencies of my home-state Maryland and a neighboring state. I want to highlight to you the importance of understanding such dysfunctions that can and do happen involving our public servants--who we rely on, who we are told to trust.  All of us must remember, must be mindful, that government officials are actually people--like you and me--who work in buildings or agencies in our local communities. There are some communities who simply are rooted in dysfunctions and negative behaviors. One can not possibly expect police officers' attitudes to change in such environments because it is the common mindset of the totality of people within such communities. Many police officers work in areas where they don't actually live. If they know a community allows public servants to do bad things, then they probably will display the same behaviors to keep...

Sherlene: From My Memoir, Shelters As An Option

Shelters are a great alternative when you have no friends or family or nowhere else to reside. The first question that a housing or assistance caseworker will ask you is-- "Do you have friends or family that you can live with?" Often shelters are filled to capacity.  If you are shelter registered,  your shelter caseworker will take your contact information and contact you when there is availability. So it is important to provide a reliable contact phone number and mailing address. Always request to have a caseworker or the name of a regular staff person on site.  You may need the contact name for any applicable housing benefit award, and to provide to a landlord for consideration. When you reside in a shelter there is limited space for personal belongings.  In fact, I would suggest that you keep such belongings in your personal vehicle.  Otherwise, you will live out of black trash bags for the timeframe of your stay. It is important to purchase...

Sherlene: Do You Have A Family Management Plan During Storms?

My portal does? My customer-service concierge is "ready" for my national audience family and the general public.[I ain't ready ... for my international audience family ... for storm reporting; will work on that after America's current major storm season.] The independent help desk center is now open until further notice. I will update the following as applicable to all families, all genders, all ethnicities. The expressed help desk center customer-service, is not affiliated with your local 911 systems, Emergency Management systems, FEMA, or such networking constituents: Natural Weather Family Help Desk Center A message center and community resource guide assistant Provided by The Sherlene Brand New Natural Weather Self-Services of Portal Hurricane Message Center  - You may request for me to send or receive a message for you at no charge. If you choose to provide your cell phone number, I will text you back. If you choose to provide your landline pho...