My portal does? My customer-service concierge is "ready" for my national audience family and the general public.[I ain't ready ... for my international audience family ... for storm reporting; will work on that after America's current major storm season.]
The independent help desk center is now open until further notice. I will update the following as applicable to all families, all genders, all ethnicities. The expressed help desk center customer-service, is not affiliated with your local 911 systems, Emergency Management systems, FEMA, or such networking constituents:
New Natural Weather Self-Services of Portal
The independent help desk center is now open until further notice. I will update the following as applicable to all families, all genders, all ethnicities. The expressed help desk center customer-service, is not affiliated with your local 911 systems, Emergency Management systems, FEMA, or such networking constituents:
Natural Weather Family Help Desk Center
A message center and community resource guide assistant
Provided by The Sherlene Brand
New Natural Weather Self-Services of Portal
- Hurricane Message Center - You may request for me to send or receive a message for you at no charge. If you choose to provide your cell phone number, I will text you back. If you choose to provide your landline phone number, I will call you back or leave a message in your voicemail if necessary.
- Disaster Now Info - If you click on the Twitter "bird" logo on the portal, it will provide resourceful tweets on my Twitter page.
- Wifi Hotspot - Once you are on the web page, at the bottom of the page type a city or zip code.
- "Hurricane Name" Facebook Group Page - Although this is not a new service, I will continue to provide a storm group-page platform on Facebook. Such group posts will remain active for three years after each major hurricane storm. Each storm is assigned two Facebook group pages. (1) Weather-disaster charity distribution location points for specific citizens of affected communities, (2) Weather-disaster shelter location points for specific citizens in nearby communities or locally.
- Local Weather News of Maryland - My independent news will be shared on the assigned Facebook group page or on the portal for the Upper Eastern Shore; Annapolis, City of Annapolis, Obery Court and College Creek Apartments and Clay Community; and, nearby Delaware, District of Columbia all Wards, and Virginia communities.
- Storm Cleanup Volunteers - Storms don't last always, consistently, in our local communities. We will need volunteers to help with the cleanup of nature's weather: Volunteer child-care location points so that parents can complete necessary help appointments at agencies, etc., pick up debris, pick up tree limbs, cut down trees, donate supplies (be ready to give manpower to a distribution point in communities), donation points, donation product coordination and supervision, and, lastly to be involved drivers with big trucks to deliver donation products (which will need manpower to unload).
- Typical Charity Distribution Items - My nonprofit's list is now available (H.E.L.P. Community Relief List), or you may choose to create your own list or some other charity's list and gather items for distribution.
- If you are not a formal judicial in our courts, what can you do? - Quote: "Before you assume, learn. Before you judge, understand someone's why. Before you hurt someone, feel someone's experience/consider empathy. Before you speak, listen to the individual, and then think before you write or speak to another."
- Emotion Phases 1-5 of everyone that must be complete for emotional mental wellness - Phase 1: Shock, denial, or protest; Phase 2: Bargaining; Phase 3: Anger (visually acting out); Phase 4: Depression (nonvisual anger turned inwardly of self on purpose); Phase 5: Understanding and coping.
Inspirational Quote Corner
So if you are offering your gift, skill or charity donation and then you remember that your brother or sister [or simply another human being] has something against you, leave your gift there before you donate to the individual and come back later. First, be reconciled with a friend or foe, and then come and offer your donation [gift, skill, or charity donation]. -Matthew 5:23-24 (KJV)
When you feel that you are carrying too much on your shoulders [financially, spiritually, emotionally], remind yourself that you are not alone. Pray for the strength to endure; comfort others and ... guess what? ... you will probably notice the life experience of being comforted by others in return. - A quote from an individual who has struggled with the knowledge of understanding and the actions of forgiveness