Aired Nov - Dec 6, 2010.
Chp. 29
29:2 Three means resurrection and completion. This verse is very similar to the life of Jesus (Isa). The well is of significance it symbolizes Jesus. A well produces water that nourishes.
29:3 In this particular verse we learn that Jesus is the well. All religions flock, or will come to him to get nourished for their human spirit and body. We will learn more about Jesus in the New Testaments for those of you who have never read the Holy Bible.
Chp. 30 & 31 Introduction
Jacob went searching for a wife out of his mother;s homeland. Jacob found Rachel -his first cousin on his mother's side. Rachel had a sister named Leah. Leah means "wild cow". He worked seven years at his great uncle's place so he could marry Rachel.
Laban, Jacob's father-in-law, promised to be an honest employer. He later became untrustworthy. No matter how hard Jacob worked, Laban treated him unfairly for 20 years. God revealed to Jacob in a dream to leave Laban's land. By this time, Jacob had married Laban's two daughters (Leah and Rachel).
Jacob took his two wives, his given heritage earnings, and fled the land. On the third day, after his escape, Laban was informed that he was no longer in the land.
Vocab: Mizpah - The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another
Note: See meaning of Biblical numbers on web page.
Chp 31 & 32 (All)
31:27 Do you believe Laban would have allowed Jacob to leave?
31:30 my gods Although, Laban believed in God (Yaweh, Allah) he also loved all that he possessed. To Laban what he owned was his image of God.
31:32 So Jacob did not know that his true love Rachel had stolen Laban's finest items.
31:35 Rachel was having her menstrual or period.
31:37 Was Jacob innocent in the situation if she knew nothing of the plot?
31:40 Jacob was pleading his case of being a very good worker: he worked in the day -in the heat; he worked in the night -in the cold; and worked while only getting little sleep. Wasn't that enough to prove that he was once a trusted, and devoted employee. Out of the 20 years that he had worked for Laban 14 of those years were to receive Rachel. Through it all he eventually received double for his trouble. The marriage bond: First, he married (became a couple, a team). Next, he set his house in order (gathered their needs). Lastly, worked to gain other possessions (or wants). How many of us are following this form of life instructions? Have you ever worked for a company, and didn't receive your proper rewards for all that you had completed for the company?
31:42 So his case was brought to God
31:49 Mizpah
Chp. 32
32:10 staff meaning a stick not the wives, etc.
32:12 Jacob started meditating, or verbally repeating to God the promise.
32:18 notice Lord was used before Esau's name. Lord was used to honor the head of the household, strangers, and God/Jesus
32:20 Peradventure means just suppose. Jacob commanded his servants to take action before his arrival.
32:26 The man said to Jacob, "Let me go"
32:31 And as he took faith in getting up...The sun rose upon him...He was healed. This is the first written biblical account of a healing taking place.
32:32 The children of Israel refused to eat a portion of fat of any animal because of the wrestle between Jacob and man. Now we understand why the old folks used to instruct us not to eat the fat.
HELP LINK hotline is now available to provide global non-emergency resources, training, and financial assistance. Please contact (302) 838-HELP. I thank you for being a loyal patron.
Sherlene Stevens, Family Services Consultant and Host
Chp. 29
29:2 Three means resurrection and completion. This verse is very similar to the life of Jesus (Isa). The well is of significance it symbolizes Jesus. A well produces water that nourishes.
29:3 In this particular verse we learn that Jesus is the well. All religions flock, or will come to him to get nourished for their human spirit and body. We will learn more about Jesus in the New Testaments for those of you who have never read the Holy Bible.
Chp. 30 & 31 Introduction
Jacob went searching for a wife out of his mother;s homeland. Jacob found Rachel -his first cousin on his mother's side. Rachel had a sister named Leah. Leah means "wild cow". He worked seven years at his great uncle's place so he could marry Rachel.
Laban, Jacob's father-in-law, promised to be an honest employer. He later became untrustworthy. No matter how hard Jacob worked, Laban treated him unfairly for 20 years. God revealed to Jacob in a dream to leave Laban's land. By this time, Jacob had married Laban's two daughters (Leah and Rachel).
Jacob took his two wives, his given heritage earnings, and fled the land. On the third day, after his escape, Laban was informed that he was no longer in the land.
Vocab: Mizpah - The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another
Note: See meaning of Biblical numbers on web page.
Chp 31 & 32 (All)
31:27 Do you believe Laban would have allowed Jacob to leave?
31:30 my gods Although, Laban believed in God (Yaweh, Allah) he also loved all that he possessed. To Laban what he owned was his image of God.
31:32 So Jacob did not know that his true love Rachel had stolen Laban's finest items.
31:35 Rachel was having her menstrual or period.
31:37 Was Jacob innocent in the situation if she knew nothing of the plot?
31:40 Jacob was pleading his case of being a very good worker: he worked in the day -in the heat; he worked in the night -in the cold; and worked while only getting little sleep. Wasn't that enough to prove that he was once a trusted, and devoted employee. Out of the 20 years that he had worked for Laban 14 of those years were to receive Rachel. Through it all he eventually received double for his trouble. The marriage bond: First, he married (became a couple, a team). Next, he set his house in order (gathered their needs). Lastly, worked to gain other possessions (or wants). How many of us are following this form of life instructions? Have you ever worked for a company, and didn't receive your proper rewards for all that you had completed for the company?
31:42 So his case was brought to God
31:49 Mizpah
Chp. 32
32:10 staff meaning a stick not the wives, etc.
32:12 Jacob started meditating, or verbally repeating to God the promise.
32:18 notice Lord was used before Esau's name. Lord was used to honor the head of the household, strangers, and God/Jesus
32:20 Peradventure means just suppose. Jacob commanded his servants to take action before his arrival.
32:26 The man said to Jacob, "Let me go"
32:31 And as he took faith in getting up...The sun rose upon him...He was healed. This is the first written biblical account of a healing taking place.
32:32 The children of Israel refused to eat a portion of fat of any animal because of the wrestle between Jacob and man. Now we understand why the old folks used to instruct us not to eat the fat.
HELP LINK hotline is now available to provide global non-emergency resources, training, and financial assistance. Please contact (302) 838-HELP. I thank you for being a loyal patron.
Sherlene Stevens, Family Services Consultant and Host