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Special Issue: Our Communities

Dialogue of September 8, 2011

Dear Audience and Followers:

Subject: Video Presented by John Munson
Chestertown’s Future: Case Study #16 by John Munson. [A Video]
John Munson has a gentle way of expressing the frustration as well as the hope for a entire generation of African-American young men in Chestertown.

There’s a big scandal happening across North America.  Listen to the video to find out what it’s costing our citizens.

I would love to hear other confessions if you are sincere, and admit that you were a part.  My suggestion is to sit all females in high positions down (if they were a part).  I am begging all religious organizations to do this just until we get to the bottom of this.  There are innocent victims who should receive an apology, money, and their lives back. 

I say we must sit such women down in their positions (those who had a part) because they were the ones who believed that they could not survive without the scandal.  Some men may have taken advantage of these women.  They left the women to raise kids that maybe they did not want.  Ladies, they are here now. They are your kids; you can not treat young people as Modern Day slaves who get you money. Always remember, parents: They [kids] do not ask to come into this world. Some, of us parents, want to raise our own children.  We are they who do not believe that kids are little devils who have no real use until their grown.

The church and our traditional social service agencies adapted this idea for poor, single suffering women.  From a woman to another: You’re idiots, ignorant, and gullible to the system, and how they actually work. I was to until forced in such circumstances, and realized their true mission of helping only one type of social groupings –the poor who make less than $25,000 a year.  To the Kent County, Maryland (and maybe the entire Upper Eastern Shore of Maryland) citizens do you truly believe that Social Service had your best interest, or was looking out for you/your family?  No. They wanted to keep their jobs, and (how these agencies work) have more customers so that they can what? So that they could keep their jobs. Dumb asses now look at what you ladies did.  Kids can not even receive a decent education (Title 1 Schools) in the community.  All because of you women who sit in churches every Sunday morning while smilingly saying, “Good Morning” at us –young people.

Personally, I hope the young people, even the youth of the 1960s, tell on each and every one of you. The actual agency who was involved believes that they are almost bankrupt.  If they believe they are at this given time in history what do you believe would happen if kids start telling on them? They would truly be bankrupt due to suit cases.  All of you knew what you were doing, and would not stop even when you “were warned.”  This is call premeditated harm.  You, women, planned right in the black church of how you would carry out the crimes.  Women who made up the congregation/synagogue/temple/mosque, or attended a religious organization on a consistent basis. Maybe that’s why you did. It kept attendance high.  These are women that had a male leader (preacher). Men, by participating part in the scandal, you are allowing women to continue with the scandal.  They are allowed to get child support from males after the normal cut off age for the rest of the child’s life. Children slaves, or workers this is the job title of what they have become. Men, what are you going to do about it?  

Do you really think that the scandal would help the community –made up mostly of single females of all racial identities.  Just like you get together to create this shit should be the same way that you black folks could have helped one another.  I am going to use your own words that you say to us (so-called sinners) every Sunday (if there was transportation to such places), “You still have time to get your life morally right. Do it today.”

Well, this time let me tell you how all of you can “get your life” right:

First, start with a confession to me, and choose me to lead you.  Obviously, you need a new leader someone who will guide you correctly.  I tried to lead some of you in the moral way, but you took advantage of my kindness.  Oh, some of you may be scared, but if you weren’t scared to participate in the scandal –lawyers, doctors, clergy, state workers right in our own communities, and even had male and female human breeding.  Oh, we wonder why the world is in the state that it is. How do you all sleep at night knowing what you have done? In my opinion, I believe it is because all of you involved have been doing these types of identifiable behaviors for quite some time. Maybe, you should have chosen me, and I wouldn’t be discussing your criminal activity right now.

Next, it should not take young naïve people to clean up the scandals.  Clean it up your damn selves. Start by being responsible, and tell the appropriate offices what you have done.  I beg you to stop using us (ignorant people who are naive to community social behaviors). You still have time to get your life morally right.

I will give you a clear example: I had a yard sale the other day.  I was trying to do a little fundraising for my company, and my home church.  A young black female whom I had never met stopped by, and looked at me. She turned to me while holding a yard sale item and said, “Who do we pay?” She glanced at my sign and boldly said, “We pay you? Oh, no I don’t think so.” She then placed the items down and immediately proceeded to her vehicle.  She did not know me.  Where did she hear that message from? Why would you not want to pay someone who has been helping, apparently women, all along.

I tell you where this young lady heard it from. She heard it from her mother, and church/organization mommas.  I say sit those high ranking women down (a religious reprimand), and I truly mean it.  Or, we will continue to have a generation of ignorant youth who know nothing for themselves, and only what someone else has told them.  Orators, are what their positions are, were used in African tribes.  Where, for a time in history, Africans began using verbal communication instead of relying on written communication. Such communication was only spoken by the wisest and the mature Africans elders.  Young folks, if you rely on others than you will never become the individuals you are truly meant to become. Always remember that people have a purpose for giving you information. I love my audience, family, and my follower and sponsors, but if you are not standing by me and supporting my efforts than you are against me.

In the Holy Bible the old ways of handling conflicts was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a body for a body.  Trust me, I can battle with the best of them and win.  Yet, “I choose” to solve problems in a different way.  Now if you keep testing me than you leave no choice, but to be reprimanded for your actions that you did to me and others.

Audience, you must be bold with courage. It takes courage to face a new day that you  have never seen neither will you see again. When you are faced by such people tell them this:
It’s a new day, and I refuse to be a part of your drama.  I am out of this organization until you all do what is morally right for my family, my
community or state, or I will not be back.  Numbers count. Tell them
that we are doing it our way, together, for a better future for those who
truly want their kids, and want better for families.

Anybody who has the courage to listen, or read truth I love you and thank you.  Anyone need help with good, truthful advice and encouragement? I welcome you to join my organization.  Anyone looking for a job in this country? Send me your resume and become a member of my company’s web site.  I will send you job alerts within your chosen area.  I would love to have you,

In conclusion, I have donated my “two cents” suggested by an old cliché.  What are you going to do audience family, and my followers and sponsors?

Have a nice day and smile to a stranger.

Your Hostess,
