Aired 4/18/2011. Introduction: Moses is the leader of the children of Israel (Jews). Aaron (Haroun) is the speaker. Miriam is a female priest or prophetess and a praiser. She is also the sister of Moses and Aaron. The next two chapters discusses the needs and wants of freed people and how God (Yahweh, Allah) provides for humankind. Chp. 16 16:2 Nope, here the people began complaining to the two leaders again. 16:3 We have the Israelites accusing Moses and Aaron of attempted murder of all the newly freed citizens. Pharaoh had provided their wants only to have them nourished enough to be productive slaves for his needs and wants. 16:4 God provides and, yet, still tests us so that we trust only him. If we trust him than we shall receive double for the trouble of trials and tribulations. 16:6 By evening, they will remember who truly brought them out of bondage. Moses asks them, "Why do you complain to me..I am just a wo...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.