Aired 4/11/11.
Introduction of Chapter 15
What we learned thus far: God (Yahweh, Allah) has allowed Pharaoh (leader) to educate and work other humans that are not from the Egyptian culture. God says, "Oops! Waitttttt....." when it becomes more of an entrapment. The humans were now in slave bondage. Mothers can you understand? Yes, mothers because you are the ones who are the majority in our world today. We must end participating in companies or businesses that keep families in bondage.
This chapter is about the creation of the first two songs - one by Moses and another by Miriam. These are songs to give praise to God. Miriam is a prophetess, and the sister of Moses and Aaron. Apparently, God had chosen this family line to be the religious leaders of the twelve tribes. My source indicates that there is no evidence of women being allowed in the priesthood. So, Miriam had to be identified as a prophetess. This term prophetess had the same job definition of a priest during this time until God instructed Aaron and his sons to be the ministerial leaders of the tribes.
In our reading, we learn that musical instruments were used during ceremonies and gatherings. The tambourine or timbrel was used with this particular song. A song praising God. A tambourine is an affordable musical instrument that any one can afford to purchase to make musical sounds. The early timbrel was mostly used by women. Today's timbrel praise was created by a female, Dodie Sarchet-Waller.
15:25 trust God again to provide
15:27 We will discuss in the book of Revelation, the twelve elders, twelve is a very symbolic biblical number.