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Showing posts from 2012

Helping Children to Cope with Divorce

From the Editor In this edition, I would like to pause from the traditional holiday theme topics to discuss children and divorce. The NewMonday Show The new book within the Holy Bible (Book of Joshua) was introduced. The discussion included the meaning of scarlet, harlot, and Joshua. (:  I welcome you to listen 24/7 at Let's talk Helping Children to Cope with Divorce Source: The Parent Institute (n.d.) Did you know that half of all children in the U.S. will spend some part of childhood living in a single-parent household.  There should be a partnership with your child's school (school counselor, trusted teacher), you and your former spouse, and external friends or family to support not only you, but also the child(ren) involved. The school should have documentation of both parents on the child's student records. The goal is to make certain that each child knows that they are loved by both parents. If th...

Staying In Touch With Family Members

From the Editor In this issue, families, I would like to discuss the importance of long distance phone plans. I am happy to report that I have successfully moved into my new place, and have updated the mailing andtelephone number of the Family Bonding Center Services office. In 2013 it is my desire to reach out to as many families and business teams as I possibly can with exciting helpful service components. Many of you have indicated that you have had a recent death within your unique families, including my self (my maternal grandmother's sisters passed on). Let us continue to pray for each other. The New Monday Show Last night I concluded praise and worship. In keeping my promise, I have created a Slide Share presentation (  ) for any one who is not able to listen to the online radio broadcast, 24/7 Let's talk Staying In Touch With Family Members During this ...

What is the one thing that you've always wanted?

From the Editor This will be the last edition until my move is successfully completed. I will not be posting any discussions on my social networking sites as well. I hope every one had a family bonding Thanksgiving --whether you improved your work or family relationships. Thursday officially concludes event theme, "Native American Appreciation Month." I thought this issue I would provide links for gift deals. December 1 - January 15 hosted event theme is Family Traditions Celebration. I have updated my blog and it now includes added features (bottom of page; Christmas games, etc.). The New Monday Show Last night, I concluded all discussions within the Book of Deuteronomy (Holy Bible). Topic of Conversation: God (Yahweh, Allah) felt that one song was important to teach to all his faith believing family generations. Music is important and can save souls. The next show will be nothing but praise and worship of featured songs t...

T.J. Holmes, Who is he?

From the Editor We have a lot to be thankful for folks. I wish each and every one of you a blessed and safe Thanksgiving. Each year I announce a topic for your Thanksgiving, after dinner, family bonding  discussion. This year's topic is community grants. What is a grant? How do you receive one? These are just some of the questions that will be answered on my Twitter (@Whatisyourpoint) this week. Just a reminder that I am moving out of the state of Delaware at the end of this month.  I will keep you informed as to when the H.E.L.P. Forward hotline will be up and running.  You may also go to my official web site address of The December hosted event theme is (Global) Family Holiday Traditions. I may upload December' s songs and FavVideos early due to relocation.  The New Monday Show Last night's discussion included descriptions of events that occur when God (Yahweh, Allah) commands a generational (family) curse. Wh...

American Election: The Numbers, The Houses, and What They Mean

From the Editor Now that we have elected our new president I thought I would discuss the numbers, the houses, and what they mean to us all-republicans and democrats. This will conclude my discussion of what the government can not do. My current hosted event theme for November is Native American Appreciation Month . The Saturday after U.S. Thanksgiving is the formal attire event. The NewMonday Show Due to tech issues (I couldn't hear myself so I know you couldn't hear me), I went into the studio again today.  So last night's show is airing today at The topic discussion is "I Can't Do It For You, Amen. Amen." you may listen 24/7. Let's talk American Election: The Numbers, The Houses, and What They Mean Former President Barack Obama is now the current president makes sense, right? Do you believe that the president seat should be available for more than eight years? Two terms, Mr. President is all that you get. So please do a good job...

What The American Government Can Not Do

From the Editor Folks while we wait, in suspense of whom our next president will be, why not read the Family Bond Paper! This month's event theme begins tomorrow, Native American Appreciation Month. The fourth Saturday of this month is the global formal attire event. Take your unique household out to dinner, or have a special dinner at home. Just a reminder that I am in the process of transitioning my current lifestyle. The H (help) E (each) L (loving) P (erson) forward hot line is no longer available.  Family fun sheets and story time selections are now available at The New Monday Show Last night's show included a tone of the Ole' Time Religious point of view. Listen 24/7 at The topic discussion was about humanity mannerisms and the right way to help another individual. Let's talk What the American Government Can Not Do Our government can not change these facts: As of today there are more than 30 million sing...

Nat Turner and Post-Blackness

From the Editor I send you a hug, smile, and a prayer that God (Yahweh, Allah) will give you strength as many of you may be cleaning up from Hurricane Sandy. Tomorrow is the trial of Nat Turner on my Twitter (#WhatIsYourPoint). Nat Turner, at this hour: They have discovered the dead white bodies, and at this time they are still searching for Nat.  Tomorrow will be the conclusion of my role playing of Nat Turner during my hosted event theme, Before Structured U.S.A. Government. November is hosted theme Native American Appreciation Month. Featured Songs and FavVideos will be available some time tomorrow before sunset. Note: I am in the process of relocating. In the next couple of weeks, I will no longer reside in the state of Delaware. I will keep you updated and ask for your prayers as I transition my current lifestyle. The Help Link hotline (302-838-4357) will no longer be available after November 25. I am no longer a part of the Delaware 211 resources. Please do n...

Major Political Parties: The Republican Party

From the Editor The current hosted theme event is Before Structured U.S.A. Government, now - October 31.  During this time, I will be role playing as Nat Turner (Baptist itinerant minister and slave) on all of my social networking sites. I will continue to highlight  information that I think you will find interesting of the 2012 political campaign. Continue to pray for me as I strive to make a transition of my current lifestyle and career path. Thank you for reading this weekly newspaper and being loyal households of family bonding opportunities.   The New Monday Show Discussion topic was learning the correct way to participate in a religious celebrations such as Passover. I also discussed the value of donations, and the structure of a religious economic system. You may listen to last night's show at 24/7. Listen to the live show each Monday @ 6:30 p.m., Eastern. Let's talk MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES: THE REPUBLICAN...

Major Political Parties: The Democratic Party

From the Editor Tonight is another round on the political trail with the second Presidential Debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. Some citizens have already placed their votes in several states. What qualities are you looking for in our future president? Just a reminder that my hosted event theme, Before Structured U.S.A. Government begins 10/21-31, and I will be role playing Nat Turner in discussions for all my shows during this time. Are you dressing up for Halloween? Children seasonal story time can be found on the family bonding portal (website), The New Monday Show Last night's discussion was from the Holy Bible (Deuteronomy). The topics of the night were witchcraft practices (concluding the discussion), and proper foods to eat as a faith believer. Do you believe that once you become a faith believer that your diet must also change to reflect your new lifestyle? You may listen to the show 24/7 at Let's t...

American Teaching Habits Compared to Other Countries

From the Editor As we celebrate the founding of our country, this week's edition will discuss how we are lacking in our education traditions compared to other countries. Just a reminder that this month's hosted event theme is Before Structured U.S.A. Government 10/21-31 and the 2012 Presidential Election. The New Monday Show Last night's discussion was about witchcraft, rituals, and voodoo . What ever God (Yahweh, Allah) says to do, or gives us in way of rules for our unique household we should do throughout generations,, available 24/7. Let's talk American Teaching Habits Compare d To Other Countries School Year America (avg. 180 days of the year) vs. Other countries (avg. 240 days) Teacher's Pay America (avg. 10-month salary; often works a 2nd job) vs. Other countries (avg. 12-month salary; forbidden to work a 2nd job) Educational Goals America (avg. strictly by the book) vs. Other countries (avg. flexible learning) Teacher'...

A Look at Democracy (Our Society): Still a Challenge or Risen Above It?

From the Editor Dear Unique Family Households: We have reached another season in our lives (autumn).  What are you thankful for?  My hosted event theme for this month is "Before U.S.A. Structured Government." The event will begin 10/21-31. I am also covering the 2012 Presidential Election.  Tweets will be Q&A focused on show theme topics reviewed from President Obama's and Mitt Romney's recent speeches. The A Time To Learn Show  (Twitter @atimetolearn) has a new time, Tuesday-Thursday, 7:30 p.m. EST. The NewMonday Show We are still discussing verses in the Book of Deuteronomy: bondage by Pharaoh, ways to please God (Yahweh, Allah) by following his commandments, statues, and judgments.The discussion included that, sometimes,God will take away a person or a entire people who create unity (tribe of Levi) due to chaos, fighting, and strife within a culture. You may listen to show 24/7 at I hope that you are r...

I Take a Stand and I Refuse to Back Down

From the Editor Dear Unique Family Households: Thank you for reading this week's edition of The Family Bond Paper.  The online newspaper (blog) is available each Tuesday.  Each day is getting better as I continue the healing process from the hurts of the emergency surgery of close to three weeks ago. My hosted event for October is Before Structured U.S.A. Government 10/21-31, and Twitter tweets of our presidential election (October-November 10). October is also Italian and Polish American Heritage Month. November's hosted event will be Native American Indian Month. Lastly, December's hosted event is Global Family Holiday Traditions. The A Time To Learn Show (Twitter @atimetolearn) has a new time, Tuesday - Thursday, 7:30 p.m. EST. The New Monday Show Last night's radio broadcast discussed, "It Rains On The Just As Well As The Unjust." God (Yahweh, Allah) uses the least and the unique.... You may listen to show 24/7 at I hope tha...

Movie: Sparkle

From the Editor As summer comes to a close, the awaited summer movie, Sparkle, will be in theatres on Friday. In this edition I will highlight key points for you before viewing the movie. I dedicate this edition to my sister, Ms. Whitney Houston. My next hosted event is Read Literature in the Presence of a Child, Aug. 22 - Sept. 22.  I am also promoting my book, The Script in My Box , during this event. For those of you who may be interested in home schooling your child please submit a request in writing to your local board of education at this time. Did you know there are millions of children who do not attend public or private schooling in our country? This year will be the "highest attendance" of minority home schooling students according to the National Home Education Research Institute :) I guess parents are going back to days of home training (Thompson, L., 2012). If you are in need of "free" lesson plans, or curriculum please contact me so that you may ha...

My Memoir: The Script In My Box

From the Editor For the month of August and September, I will be promoting my published work (The Script in My Box), and hosting Read Literature in the Presence of a Child (8/22-9/22). My book can be purchased online at or at your nearest book store. The New Monday Show The discussion included choices of parenting, your associations, and appropriate behaviors of leadership. You may listen to the radio broadcast at 24/7 Let's talk about my book, The Script in My Box The purpose of writing my memoir was to encourage and discuss family bonding opportunities.  I believe that families need to identify their family history within American communities. We seem to be the only culture that does not know our family history, or is ashamed of our history. Do you know both sides of your family that have made you you? In The Script in My Box  my goal was to retrace some of my difficult life experiences to begin the healing p...

Remembering Rodney King

From the Editor Thank you for all of the birthday wishes that I received.  This is a very busy, financial challenging, time of the year for me.  After July 23 I prepare financially for school shopping, two birthdays in August for my two younger children all basically within the same week, family reunions, oldest daughter birthday in October, mother's birthday in October, and middle daughter's birthday in November, and, then, we celebrate Christmas. Just another challenge where large families plan accordingly.  Even though I concentrated in business during my schooling years I believe that being a part of a large family teaches you skills through personal experiences such as budgeting. What do you think large families? This is the last full week of the discussion of Hunting Down the Arts on Global Islands . Aug 22 - Sept. 22 is the hosted event of reading literature (aloud or silently) in front of a child. Children who see others enjoying rea...

Fearful of the Current Economy?

From the Editor This month's hosted theme is MY BIRTHDAY (July 23, 1971) month,  just a few days away.  We are also discussing global islands: Hunting down the fine arts.  Globally, there are many quality, outside venue opportunities for exploring new hobbies, and the arts. It is also an opportunity to reorganize or restock your materials and supplies. The New Monday Show Last night's discussion within the Holy Quran (Surah VI) included topics of the Resurrection Day/Day of Judgment. Until that time, as faith believers, we are not to judge another person's actions.  We do not always understand the actions of another family's lack of participation of fellowshipping, or faith believers' social events. Another topic of discussion was whether we should informally judge one's refusal of fellowshipping opportunities.  Allah (God) blesses and he also curses.  There have been historical events wher...

The American Flag

From the Editor Audience, first, I would like to wish you a Happy Fourth of July ! We are celebrating my birthday (July 23) all month long. Please take a moment to view all the great event festivals that are happening this weekend at my official website (Global Events Posts tab). Be extra careful with sparklers around trees this holiday due to our recent historic weather temperatures. Let also remember those who tried with all their might to change our neighborhoods, communities, and country for the better of all races, and cultural settings. New Monday Show Highlights Surah V: 62-102 People who strive hard in doing the right things (right path) are noticed by Allah (Yahweh, God). These are the people or families that we should consistently hang around and try to model (copy).  Such individuals may feel that their work isn't noticed because they struggle with many conflicts or challenges.  It is because they are changing generational cur...

Men and Their Music

From the Editor This is the last week of my hosted event, Honoring Men Month.  Men, I hope that you have had an enjoyable time thus far, and participating in the theme of Just Chill: Music, Gadgets, and a Clean Ride.  In supporting brotherhood, go see Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection on Friday at your local theatre. This is also the final week of Music Month. This edition is dedicated to our favorite music genres. The New Monday Show The show has a new page look. You can now send in your praise reports and prayer requests. As I have discussed I have now leading my ministry, full-time.  I am allowing God (Allah, Yahweh) to lead my path instead of me forcing the direction of my career path.  Last night's show discussed the cultural connectedness that we, as an Interfaith audience, are partaking in by fellow shipping in a unique format. 24/7. Let's talk Men and their Music Andrew Daniels (2012) says that most guys li...

TV Channels: Soo Many Choices

From the Editor What an enjoyable time I had at this year's Harmony Global Picnic. If you were to review my web site you will notice that some of your strategy suggestions are already being launched. Since my recent employment termination I thought I would focus a little bit more on the company. I was also able to do a little R&D of my past employment opportunities since my divorce, and found that a lot of them have been from companies whose main offices were in the Philadelphia, PA area.  Most have closed down or discontinued services. I am also no longer selling AVON products at this time.  What ever the Lord has planned for me in this new season I am open to newness.  I feel free and refreshed, but a little scared in this given journey of uncertainty. Did you notice that this week's edition includes a new look to the Family Bond Paper? If you have an opportunity you may want to view all sections....

Woman to Woman

From the Editor: Ladies, this is the last week of honoring us. I am soo sorry that many of you have not had normalcy in your life experiences. As a black female, that has listened to your discussions of your challenges, perhaps God allowed me to have a normal upbringing so that I can guide you from my normal experiences. Though, there has been many times where I was teased by black individuals (on welfare) because of my "normalcy." Please don't allow jealousy or envy to destroy opportunities for us to mature in family bonding and normalcy.  I understand that you all want a "piece of the pie." How do you expect to create the right kind of pie if you're not willing to listen to someone who has the recipe? I can only help those who trust me, and desire to get out of the bondage that you and/or your family is in. If you are sincere in wanting to change your generational mishaps/dysfunctions purchase my book, The Script in My Box.

Organizing Your Refrigerated Items

From the Editor Ladies, I hope your week hasn't been too challenging. As we prepare for the Memorial Day holiday, please take time out to pray for the 7 United Methodist black churches located in Kent County, Maryland.  Again, there are two pastors resigning and will be leaving as of June 2, 2012. These are seven churches with no consistent leadership. I am quite sure that there must be a better way to fellowship. If only they would vote for me. I CARE. I KNOW. I AM WILLING TO BE YOUR ACTING PASTOR 7 CHURCHES. My attending church didn't even have Easter Sunday service this year. It is so frustrating when you are trying to guide your own children by attempting some type of normal family structure and bonding time when divorced. Are you satisfied with your church/mosque/temple leadership? The New Monday Show We are still continuing with praise and worship:  Featured songs that were chosen during the discussion of the Book of Numbers (Holy B...

The United Methodist Church: Pastoral Leadership

From the Editor Thanks, to all that wished me a Happy Mother's Day.  I was surprised of the number of viewers who also wished single males, rearing their children, a happy day. We as a society must learn to accept, honor, and appreciate our specific genders.  This behavior is another example of old traditions of family dysfunction, "we don't know any better." Yes, you do. You know that it is a dysfunction to have someone rearing children than their own parents whether it be grandmothers, aunts, uncles, single dads, etc. If we are trying to change a generational curse than we need to understand that this was a day to honor all mothers, not grandmothers. A daughter should have honored her mother which would be her children's grandmother. This is a major reason children become confused in regards to adult roles in their lives. I know it is challenging in some communities where it just seems normal to have dysfunctional households, as if back in the day d...

Favored Jump-Rope Chants

From the Editor "Stawberry shortcake cream on top. Tell me the name of your sweetheart, ______________." As promised, in this edition I have included some favored jump-rope chants for a family bonding opportunity. Ladies, don't forget to visit the "Fun sheets & Forms" tab on the family bonding portal, Why not purchase The Script in My Box as a Mother's Day gift. You can purchase through the portal or  (bookstore tab). Happy Mother's Day, -Sherlene, Your Family Bonding Consultant The New Monday Show Last night we concluded the discussion of the book of Numbers within the Holy Bible. The next airing will be praise and worship using the featured music selections. I also discussed my decision to eliminate my participation with the United Methodist Church due to the potential closing of seven black churches in my native community located in Kent County, Maryland. The NewMonday show can be viewed...

Old-Fashioned Care of Female Togetherness

From the Editor For the month of May, I will be hosting Honoring All Women Month.   It is a time when I discuss specific topics targeted to women. I so enjoy the opportunity, and bonding time that we share during this hosted event. There is nothing like sisters getting together in a room to just chit chat.  This year's theme is "Ladies, young and old, come into the kitchen." As your family bonding consultant, it would be unfair of me to host my shows or even to write articles, books, etc.  focusing only on one gender. If there were no male and female relationships, how did all these little people get on this earth? I am a fourth generational, black, American citizen whose family holds a lot of history of being a part of this wonderful continent of North America.  When I created my company brand, in my home state of Maryland, I made a promise that all of my show topics and literature would be for both females and males. Al...

What is "Pink Slime"?

From the Editor My next hosted event in May will be Honoring All Women Month. This year's theme is Ladies, Young and Old, Come into the Kitchen.  So you probably can guess what topics I will be discussing. Don't worry men your month is coming in June. Ladies our 2012 theme is God Is Cleaning the Dust in his Today's Family Units: Kings, Queens, and your Princes and Princesses, Would you like a chance to win a makeover and photoshoot or be a campus queen? Visit to enter the contest. The New Monday Show Last night's discussion was about accepting who will follow you when trying to lead, and the importance of family history. You may listen to this unique radio broadcast 24/7 at Let's talk What is "Pink Slime"? Pink Slime. Have you heard all the fuss about "pink slime?" It was first created by McDonalds. That's right, McDonalds, the food chain that caters to our children created pink slim...

Ways to Save a Buck

From the Editor Well, today is TAX DAY. If you need to file an extension there is still time.  If you have reviewed  the tax tips that I provided last week and feel that your accountant or tax preparer did not give you all of your tax deductions you can have your taxes updated to reflect current deductions. It may delay your tax refund, but may be well worth the effort. May is my hosted event of honoring all women. This year's theme is "Ladies To The Kitchen." I am currently working on a senior citizen portal for family bonding opportunities and this will complete my N. American family bonding portal (web site), and then the next phase will be to complete my international portals. The New Monday Show Last night's discussion was about keeping your promises to God (Elohim, Allah) and God's forgiveness when there is division in households. You may listen to radio broadcast at any time on BlogTalkRadio, Let's talk,  Ways to Sa...


From the Editor How many of you saved your dyed eggshells? To create a pencil holder: break a few eggshells into tiny pieces. Glue on a tin can (canned vegetable can). Or, draw a cross on a sheet of paper, and place eggshells  on the cross. Hang page in your favorite area.  An empty cross reminds us that Jesus (Isa) died for us-but rose again. The pretty colors remind us of His love for all things in this world. The New Monday Show I apologize for the technical difficulty that we experienced. Please read Holy Bible, Book of Numbers, Chp. 30 and 31. Last night's topic discussed what to do when there are no males in the community, Today is National Hoodie Day in honor of Trayvon Martin. There are soo many more cases that need public attention.  As communities, we need to look out more for one another which would require less reliance on our judicial system.  As we listened to the cell phone conversation of Trayvon and his girlfriend,...

Human Skin: Foods We Should Eat

* From the Editor Dear Families: Save your cracked Easter egg shells. Next Tuesday, I will provide directions for an art activity using them. My hosted event for April is Viewers' Quote Month. It is also the anniversary of the Titanic. The 3-D movie version releases in most theatres this week. New books of the Titanic for upper-elementary kids and maybe you to moms/dads or guardians: Remembering the Titanic , by Frieda Wishinsky. (Find at Scholastic Reader series retailers) Titanic : Voices from the Disaster, by Deborah Hopkinson 8881/2 Amazing Answers to Your Questions About the Titanic , by Hugh Brewster and Laune Coulter Titanic Lost and Saved, by Brian Moses The New Monday Show Last night's topic discussed how families should have a goal of owning land and keeping it for many generations to enjoy. You can still listen to show topic by going to Let's talk Human Skin: Foods We Should Eat Men and women, did you know that we have ...

Choosing a Toothpaste

From the Editor Due to the recent changes in Public Education in our American schools, I am advocating homeschooling for your child from babies - Grade 2, or at least until they are able to read, write basic words, and are able to identify & count numbers and letters. In other words, don't send your children to school until they can comfortably do so. It's up to you--moms and dads, or guardians. Let's prepare the next generation that will be taking care of us when we get in our golden years! The newest edition of the Homeschooling Magazine is now available. The New Monday Show (BlogTalk Radio, online radio broadcast, Last night's show was awesome. An angel saved an animal and its master from destruction. It relates right to our April theme of family bonding. If you weren't able to listen to the live broadcast please take a moment to participate in this unique family bonding show. Your support matters. Family Economics (Saving and Sp...

Leviticus Chp. 20

Aired: 10/17/2011 Chp. 20 20:10   Even though men were allowed to have several wives if they had an affair with another married person they were killed. 20:13   Bisexual and gay men were killed for their sinful acts. 20:18   A female menstrual period was known as her sickness. 20:22   God allowed and required his people to roam never really having a true dwelling to call home.  Yet, where ever he placed them they were instructed not to follow the foreign customs only to follow him. 20:26   God believed in separating his people. 20:27   Witchcraft and demonic witchcraft were put to death. Chp. 21 21:1   None within the ministers of Aaron heritage should pay for a deceased person. Note: This is the last written premiere of The NewMonday Show. I welcome you to listen to the live show each Monday at 6:30 pm (EST) at The Family Bond Paper will continue to provide family-oriente...

Holy Bible Offerings; Chp. 19 (Leviticus)

Aired September 26, 2011 on The NewMonday Show . Sacrificial Offering Types Trespass Sin Peace Guilt Fellowship Grain Burnt Eating fat and blood of clean animals is forbidden.  Today's nutritionist have discussed cooking meats more thoroughly in recent years. Chp.19 19:2 God or Allah is saying whatever I am you are also. 19:3 Respect parents and the Sabbath. 19:4 I know it may be challenging, but make nothing or task more important than your relationship with your creator, the "I AM." 19:5 Give what you desire to give, no one should suggest to you to give. 19:10 Never use all of what you have. Share with the less fortunate when you are able to do so. 19:13 Pay your help in a timely fashion as agreed. 19:14 Don't take advantage of others or the unknowing who may be a part of an issue. 19:15 Do not respect people because they belong in certain groups. Look at behaviors of each in a group.  No one person is the same not even in a group of oneness. 19...

Holy Quran Surah II:190-222

Aired  8/8/2011 on The NewMonday Show . Surah II:190 How do we as faith believers fight in the way of Allah? First, we must be equipped with our pretend visual outer war garments as described by a man named Paul. Paul says, "We must be willing to put all of it on." War Garments 1. Belt of Truth - Always strive to be truthful and understanding for ever mindful that your truth may offend someone 2. Breastplate of Righteousness- Are you right about the given situation or do you think that you are right? 3. Feet of Peacefulness or Readiness of the Gospel 4. Shield of Faith - which means that you believe even when things do not appear to be going your way, or God's way; having hope not anxious for nothing. As my mentor would say, float with life and do not try to alter the uniqueness of the tides in your life.  What comes comes and what doesn't doesn't. Don't focus on evilness otherwise you are participating in idol worshipping. Nothing should ever have mor...

Holy Quran, Surah II: 183-190

Aired 8/2011. Surah II:183 Fasting is a sacred self-dedication performed by faith believers to Allah (God). Fasting can be very harmful to the body if not performed correctly.  There are several different types of fasting. 1. Full Fast - where one does not drink or eat for a specified time. This is the most challenging to the human body it can cause imbalances of the body's insulin, metabolism, and can create vitamin deficiencies. 2. Half Fast - Liquids only. Those who hold onto a lot of fluid in their bodies should be careful when participating. 3. Portion Fast - Liquids and certain meals eliminated from a scheduled meal 4. Sacrificial Fast - eliminates oils, grease, sweets, or a favorite meal Surah II:184 I do not believe any religion forces the fasting ritual. Surah II:190 How do we as faith believers fight in the way of Allah? First, we must be equipped with your pretend visual outer war garments as described by a man named Paul (New Testament, Holy Bible). Do not foc...

Surah II: 139-171 (Holy Quran)/Final discussion of Exodus

Aired 6/27/2011. Surah II: 139  The Muslim writer is instructing followers of Islam to remind Jews and Christians that we serve the same Lord and continue to do your thing within your religion, and the Muslims will be doing the same. :140   A question that should not be posed. Only Allah (God) knows... :141 Passed away means dead in the faith, or not usable to represent the true meaning of a particular faith. You will not be responsible for their sins. :142 Fools are people who question the events involving Allah. :146 Males sons are valued in the religious faith :148 I like this verse. Again, if you are a Jew do you're thing. Do according to your faith's practices. If you are a Christian do your thing. Do your thing of good works to help others. :150 This verse gives instruction to Islam followers. :152 Allah is saying I have sent an Apostle to teach, but do not forget Me. Is the Apostle Isa (Jesus)? :154 People slain in the spirit of All...