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Showing posts from January, 2018

Sherlene Stevens: The 'No" [A] Good Man Named Jesus

Do you believe that Jesus was perfect within the earth realm? Jesus was the only begotten son of God, yes. He was also a male with human characteristics just like you and me; he had flaws just like you and me. The Holy Bible reveals to us that God describes all of his human beings as having flaws and weaknesses. So don't you be afraid of your realities of your imperfect ways. We are human creatures that have an unending desire for more to simply satisfy or fulfill us. This would include Jesus in his humanistic flesh. This would include the reality that Jesus could never be totally perfect here: He came to redeem us from our sins, and to feel and understand human feelings and actions--to help us survive in flesh, and soul or spirit.     Jesus was a man with desires, wants and needs. The two-person (God and Holy Spirit) are not able to truly understand what it's like to be a human because both are the spirit. Yet, God gave us Jesus to explain--to him--humankind's fears...

Sherlene Stevens: Oprah Winfrey, Which Type of Woman Are You?

Dear Ms. Oprah: I understand that you may be considering running for president in 2020. I would like to explain why it would take a lot for me to vote for a female presidential candidate (other than myself). I am apologetic in saying, sincerely, that I rarely watched your TV show because I was too busy focusing on my ambitions. Over the years, however, I have watched your presentation as a role model for females in our country and globally. I do not know you personally, but our career paths have been a little similar. I have been the first to accomplish a lot, too. For a rural-town girl of Maryland's Eastern Shore (my father is originally from the south), I was the first to complete a bachelor's degree in my immediate family (I wanted to become a public-school or community basic-school teacher.) In my younger years in elementary school, immediately after being in school all day, I would come home and line up my dolls (all races and genders, young and adult-age) and...

Sherlene Stevens : I've Learned There Are Many Uses For Unused Christmas Wrapping Paper

Now that another Christmas season has ended, I am taking down my tree.  I realize, now,  that I still have Christmas-themed wrapping paper that hasn't been used. Do you? I realize that perhaps such recycling usages are limitless. Here are five suggestions for unused Christmas-season wrapping paper that I have learned, over the years: Fill in those drafty spaces around the window sills, or door seals. Wrap cords, lights, or string around a wrapping paper-roll holder. Use as a liner in your cabinet or dresser drawers. Save and use to wrap dishes or glasses to protect them when storing or relocating. Stuff inside puffball homestyle curtains.

Sherlene Stevens: Parents, Five Tips When-- "Enough With The Uploads On Social Media"

Kids and millenials love to place pictures and post videos on their social-media choices. They are encouraged to use such popular tech-trends at school. Today's youth want to participate socialization. They want to share images of productive family-bonding. So what's the problem?! No problem until . . . little David shares a picture of Mommy cooking dinner in her bra and panties, or Dad in his man-cave watching TV with interesting sounds of actors being heard. When posting uploads invade privacy of parents or adults, kids may be sternly told,                     "Enough with posting our family pictures  on Facebook [mostly used by global families]. Take it down!" Parents/Guardians, here are a few suggestions for those pictures or videos captured at the wrong moment: Until you have set household rules of when and what may be posted, no scolding.  Have you ever considered that your parenting style is differen...