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Genesis Chapter 3 Introduction Part I

NewMonday Evening Live!
Hostess: Sherlene Stevens
Airs each Monday of the American calendar, yearly
6:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Live from Wilmington, DE

Note: This a weekly Interfaith newsletter of topics discussed on show.  It is available each Tuesday for distribution. Mission: To provide study scripture lessons to new faith believers or  ministries/companies that would like to learn more of including Interfaith programs.  For large copy sharing please subscribe to either the show or this blog.  If you would like to submit your amateur song or be a guest on future shows please send an email to or by mail at Its An Event and Company,  Attn: Radio Show, P.O. Box 26192, Wilmington, DE 19899. Please support this blog by sending a subscription donation of any amount.  Thank you for your support.

In This Issue
Episode 4 (Aired 9/13/2010)
  1. Greek - European; White language
  2. Hebrew - African and Asian; multicultural language
  3. simile - using either like or as in its examples of description
  4. metaphor - direct comparison of description between two unrelated nouns
  5. Atheism - a choice of not wanting to learn of God
  6. spirit - life and power
  7. beasts - animals and Satan
  8. holy - without sin
  9. Garden of Eden - Adam and Eve's first home
  10. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - earthly wisdom 1/2 heavenly & 1/2 earthly
Garden of Eden required little work from Adam and Eve to upkeep. Tree of Life is a never dying tree for humans. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is Godly wisdom on earth. It was 1/2 heavenly and 1/2 earthly. There has been a lot of questions in regards to the uniqueness of this tree. Myth: It was a cherry tree.

God (Allah, Yahweh) gave Adam and Eve a nice place to live. He only asked them to not eat or touch the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. There were many trees in the Garden, but only few that couldn't be used for nourishing the body. So, can we believe that Godly wisdom or wisdom from God is better than knowledge that we receive from parents, schools, mentors, or leaders (in this situation Satan, a leader of earth)? We need both, or how would one even be able to read the scriptures. Amen.

You may ask, can I touch God? God is invisible and can enter any where at any time. You can touch him with prayers, talking to other faith believers, and doing good deeds or using your gifting/talent to help someone. God touches us with his spirit. God is almost never seen in bibilical events.  He is described. Out of the descriptions, he has been labeled or given names by different social groups.  Next time that you walk past a mirror. Think, Wow! This is how Adam must have felt when he saw Eve.  Remember, there were no mirrors except for the reflection if standing near a body of water.  All human races are examples of God - just in different skin tones and languages. In heaven God would appear differently. We, as humans, would be spirit with no skin to clothe our spirit or soul.  This is why the first Man and Woman love relationship is so important. Part II of Introduction next Tuesday.

Have a nice day and smile to one stranger.