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Online Radio Show: NewMonday Evening Live

(First Issue, next issue May 24, 2011.)
NewMonday Evening Live!
Hostess: Sherlene Stevens
Airs each Monday of the American calendar, yearly
6:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Live from Wilmington, DE

Note: This a weekly Interfaith newsletter of topics discussed on show.  It is available each Tuesday for distribution. Mission: To provide new faith believers study scripture lessons, ministries, or companies that would like to learn more of including Interfaith programs.  For large copy sharing please subscribe to either the show or this blog.  If you would like to submit your amateur song or be a guest on future shows please send an email to or by mail at Its An Event and Company, Attn: Radio Show, P.O. Box 26192, Wilmington, DE 19899. Please support this blog by sending a subscription donation of any amount.  Thank you for your support.

In This Issue
Episode 1 (aired August 23, 2010)
Episode 2 (aired August 30, 2010)

Episode 1

  1. Torah - A Holy book that includes the 1st five book of Testaments used by members of Judaism.
  2. Bible - A Holy book that includes the Old/New Testaments used by members of Christianity.
  3. Qu'ran - A Holy book that includes the Torah, Bible, and other Testaments it is used by members of Islam.
  4. Jews - Faith believers who are members of the Jewish religion on any continent.
  5. Muslims - Faith believers who are members of the Islam religion on any continent.
  6. Christians - Faith believers who are members of the Christian religion on any continent.
  7. monotheism - belief in one God, most religions believe in one God or Higher Being.
  8. God - The name of our religious creator used by Jews and Christians.
  9. Allah - The name of our religious creator used by Muslims. Note: There are many names for God (Allah), Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Episode 2
  1. Shalom - Jewish greeting means peace and wholeness
  2. Asalamulaikum - Islam greeting means peace be unto you
  3. Muhammad - The writer of the Holy Qu'ran and said Last Prophet or messenger of Islam.
  4. Prayer - reciting words to Jehovah/Allah/God; can be in the form of private, group, or silent words.
  5. Alif Lam Mim - at beginning of some Surahs. Maybe means there is no God but he. It is He who sent down to thee in truth, the Book confirming what went before it, he sent down to thee in Torah, and the Bible before this as a guide to mankind. Source: IslamToday (2010)
  6. light - understanding truth; sun; moon; stars; heavenly presence
  7. darkness - emptiness; lack of understanding
  8. heaven - all joy; no pain or sorrow; beautiful; where good angels live; a place where human and all living creatures can go above the earth
  9. Hell - all sorrow; agonizing pain forever; evil trap; very hot climate; below the earth
  10. Satan - (has many names) A high ranking angel that is beautiful and musically gifted.  He was casted out of heaven for causing the first earthly humans to sin; roams around the earth and Hell.
  11. Seventh Day - maybe Friday, Saturday, or Sunday; other countries used a different weekly format; last day of the week, most religions participate either Saturday or Sunday
  12. Last Day - the end of  human life as it is now
  13. Man - (male gender's first real name) - male human; Provider; oversees all living creatures aka Adam
  14. Woman - (female gender's first real name) - female human; help mate and wife of Adam aka Eve
  15. Garden of Eden - many believe in Africa; first home of man and woman; beautiful garden that had other gardens and trees within; outside of area or "The Garden" was bare lands or unkept lands
  16. Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - found in the Garden of Eden allowed first human to have wisdom and knowledge like God and the angels.
  17. chastisement - punishment or discipline of knowing the truth and not making it shown in human form
Episode 1. Holy Bible Book of Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1-8  In the book of Genesis God discusses the creation of all things.

Episode 2. Surah 11: 1-29  Like Christians, Muslims believe their is only one God. Likewise, Muslims believe there is only one truth, one human race that descended from one couple, Adam and Eve, one heaven, one Hell, and one way to achieve salvation and eternal bliss. Muslims always recognize Allah (God) with the introduction of In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. The Holy Bible, Bible, or Scriptures was sent first and then, the Holy Qu'ran.

Religious Slang used by Jews, Christian, and Muslims.
  • Deaf - Unwilling to hear truth and literal meaning
  • Dumb - Unwilling to understand and literal meaning
  • Blind - Unwilling to see the truth and literal meaning
  • Naked - Allowing others to see you as you are
_ verse (vs.)  3      unseen and spend
_ vs. 7      similar to Pharoah in the Holy Bible (Exodus) covering over their eyes.
_ vs. 18    deaf, dumb, and blind
_ vs. 19    simile describes slang
_ vs. 21    respect elders
_ vs. 23    Our servant, meaning Islam's last prophet who wrote book
_ vs. 24    fire - Hell. What is the fuel? Men and judging others
_ vs. 26    You either believe Allah/God and understand or you do not
_ vs. 28    dead in this verse means faithless, and not a part of Allah/God's world. We all have choices
                in obeying God. He allows us to go through and accept us to return to him if we ask.

Motto: Solving problems with humble prayers and planting seeds with faith.

Hosting Site: BlogTalkRadio    
Sponsored by a United Methodist Member (Hostess Sherlene Stevens).