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Sciptures Discussion, Holy Bible Chp. 1-3

NewMonday Evening Live!
Hostess: Sherlene Stevens
Airs each Monday of the American calendar, yearly
6:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Live from Wilmington, DE

Note: This a weekly Interfaith newsletter of topics discussed on show.  It is available each Tuesday for distribution. Mission: To provide new faith believers study scripture lessons, ministries, or companies that would like to learn more of including Interfaith programs.  For large copy sharing please subscribe to either the show or this blog.  If you would like to submit your amateur song or be a guest on future shows please send an email to or by mail at Its An Event and Company, Attn: Radio Show, P.O. Box 26192, Wilmington, DE 19899. Please support this blog by sending a subscription donation of any amount.  Thank you for your support.

In This Issue
Episode 3 (aired Spetember 6, 2010)
  1. Lord - Master or ruler of all
  2. Multiply/fruitful - to produce to give an abundance; not to use to destroy or cause conflict or harm
  3. dominion - authority or rule over the animals
Chapter 1 Holy Bible
__Verse (vs.) 1:22   To produce not to an over abundance that could destroy or cause conflict or harm
__vs. 1:26               Who was he speaking to? Perhaps the angels and the spirit of God. The first man
                                and woman were created, an earthly image that could survive below the heavens.
Chapter 2 Holy Bible
Read as if someone else is writing or another form of repetition of Chapter 1.
__ vs. 2:4                Lord God, notice that God is expressed "The Lord God" after he completed making the
earth and everything in it.
__vs. 2:8                Garden of Eden was made for human consumption. Every good thing was there in first
home.  There were two important trees in the Garden that could be considered God's Spirit on earth from heaven. 
A. Tree of Life
B. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
__vs 2:21               First surgery was performed on the the first man. The name of the first two people were
originally A) Man and B)Woman.
__vs. 2:23             Similar to wedding vows
__vs. 2:25             They were not ashamed because God approved of them.  They had earthly knowledge
and not the wisdom and knowledge of God. If you were to notice they received instructions from God of how to manage their life on earth.