Aired 3/28/2011. Passover or Pesach (Jewish, Hebrew) is best described in Chp 12:12-13. There were 10 plagues. Ten is the biblical meaning of eternity without end. ThePassover Lamb was a symbol of Jesus (Isa) and had to be Without blemish A young male Examined four days from the selection for sacrifice Slain in public unbroken. No bones could be broken. The blood on the Israelites doorpost was a sign that God should pass over them and not destroy the family's first born. The comparison of Jesus: 1) Sinless and perfect 2) Of the male gender 3) Somewhat young when he was slain according to the expected avg of human life at that time. 4) Jesus lived a meticulously examined life 5) Jesus died publicly it does not matter the brutality of his death. 6) The king instructed that none of his bones could be broken. The soldiers had to guard him amongst the crowd that wanted to kill him so that his bones would not be broken. If Jesus' bones would have been b...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.