Aired February 28, 2011.
Introduction: God reveals to Moses I AM THAT I AM. I am Jehovah. I am God. I am Allah. I am Yahweh.
Write a complete thought or sentence using I am ______. Or, recite the I AM meditation poem by Michael Wynn. Since this is Black History Month, I will conduct this week's teaching as an United Methodist Lay Speaker ( I was in 2001-2002).
Chp. 4
4:9 God or Allah says "if" they will not believe. Did you notice that God did not for tell that they would not believe Moses' first two signs? In my opinion, God gives people choices hoping they will choose the right one.
4:10 Moses said I AM slow to speech, and slow to tongue. Isn't that just like God, the I AM THAT I AM, who is slow to give his response to his human beings. However, when he finally gives direction it is always right on time.
4:11 We discussed the usage of the phrases deaf, dumb, and blind as slang words. The Quran uses these words quite a bit.
4:18 Moses gives respect to his father in law by asking to leave his land with his daughter. Jethro is a priest.
4:20 So God took an ordinary plain rod, and made it into something that could help set the captives free.
We, as humans, are to take action, and also make things into useful some things that will help ourselves and others.
4:22 God personifies the Israel people as his son. So, Israel is God's first attempt of having a son on earth.
Many hundreds of years later he created Jesus (Isa) his only true begotten son.
4:23 An eye for an eye type of warfare, notice between God and Pharaoh. In modern words, if you don't loose my people than I will kill your people. As to say, "I know all about you, and your sinful citizens, Pharaoh."
4:24 This is the same thing that happened to Mary when she was carrying Jesus.
Introduction: God reveals to Moses I AM THAT I AM. I am Jehovah. I am God. I am Allah. I am Yahweh.
Write a complete thought or sentence using I am ______. Or, recite the I AM meditation poem by Michael Wynn. Since this is Black History Month, I will conduct this week's teaching as an United Methodist Lay Speaker ( I was in 2001-2002).
Chp. 4
4:9 God or Allah says "if" they will not believe. Did you notice that God did not for tell that they would not believe Moses' first two signs? In my opinion, God gives people choices hoping they will choose the right one.
4:10 Moses said I AM slow to speech, and slow to tongue. Isn't that just like God, the I AM THAT I AM, who is slow to give his response to his human beings. However, when he finally gives direction it is always right on time.
4:11 We discussed the usage of the phrases deaf, dumb, and blind as slang words. The Quran uses these words quite a bit.
4:18 Moses gives respect to his father in law by asking to leave his land with his daughter. Jethro is a priest.
4:20 So God took an ordinary plain rod, and made it into something that could help set the captives free.
We, as humans, are to take action, and also make things into useful some things that will help ourselves and others.
4:22 God personifies the Israel people as his son. So, Israel is God's first attempt of having a son on earth.
Many hundreds of years later he created Jesus (Isa) his only true begotten son.
4:23 An eye for an eye type of warfare, notice between God and Pharaoh. In modern words, if you don't loose my people than I will kill your people. As to say, "I know all about you, and your sinful citizens, Pharaoh."
4:24 This is the same thing that happened to Mary when she was carrying Jesus.