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Showing posts from 2015

Sherlene Stevens: Why Winters is Better than Summer

Source: Parenting  (1994). Published with no editing. No mosquito bites. It gets dark earlier, so nine o'clock bedtime doesn't seem so bad. Flannel pajamas (with feet). Snow days (an ordinary winter) Hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows. Roaring fires in the fireplace. Holiday toys aren't broken yet. Writing your name on a steamy window with your finger. It's easier to fake a cold.  A clean slate with Santa Claus (St. Nicholas, St. Lucia, etc.) Getting to stomp through slush puddles. No skinned knees. Ice-cream cones don't melt on the way to the car. You don't have to mow the lawn.

Sherlene Stevens: Where's the American Business Style of Incoming Foreign Businesses

Should all new businesses have the same traditional, American design layout? When it's important: Communities that are in need of community development efforts should strive to have an overall (community-based) business theme which expresses a productive, community and business partnership vision. Communities that are experiencing new-mjority citizen-neighbor shifts: race or income-household levels. Business zoning policies may often require specifics of placing business signs, size/color/style of the business sign, etc. Each local community has its own commercial zoning laws and policies. New foreign company owners--in America--may want to consider blending into the current social format of local businesses. This may mean eliminating your ethnic-identity symbols and posters. If a community is exhibiting phobias of a new business based on the owner's particular race, creed, religion, or product/service offered. It is important to blend in socially, sometimes, to be...

Sherlene Stevens: Black Friday 2015

How many of you will be shopping at stores within your local community? Go to my campaign website to view national store chains that are closed on Thanksgiving Day. Please make certain to check store hours before shopping locally. Each store chain may have different hours at various locations. Online Shopping Many stores are already offering small-saving discounts on popular items: Pre-Black Friday events. Free standard shipping is also being offered without subscribing to store portals.  Some stores require to have your exact postal address, including the four digits after your zip code.  You may be required to select from various postal addresses that match the address you provided when placing your order.  It is important for you to choose or click on the address that best matches your specific location. Most online stores require you to provide a coupon/discount code at checkout in order to receive a specific discount ranging between 10% or 50%.  If you re...

Sherlene Stevens: Indian Children (Poem)

Printed without additions for modern language or historical events. Indian Children Where we live and work and play each day, Indian children used to play-- All about our native land, Where the shops, public buildings and houses stand. And the trees were very tall, And there were no streets at all, Not a church and not a steeple-- Only woods and Indian people. Only wigwams [a housing style] on the ground, And at night bears prowling round-- What a different place today, Where we live and work and play! -Annette Wynne Note: November is Native-American Heritage Month in the U.S.A.

Sherlene Stevens: Shudder of the Thought of a Democratic Win 2016

Fearless Democratic-Party Agenda and Current Actions for Upcoming Election Campaign 2016  Democrats Wants We want basic, public schools open whether they have proper heating/cooling, or lack of enrollment. Next we want to invent free, basic college models. What was once considered higher learning will be no more. We want more skilled, low-entry workers such as nurses instead of doctors, teachers instead of principals. We want the People's House and Congress to be the new, long-standing Democratic work center. We want to continue the tradition of calling law enforcement --local sheriffs-- for social and family injustices (mostly for juveniles and college-age student behaviors). We want group actions in everything that America does.  Is it a political party or a cultural gang? We need basic, public schools to extend their days with no formal afterschool transportation in rural communities. We want an even bigger government which will demand bigger tax dollars from l...

Sherlene Stevens: Are Your Fears Keeping You From Your Fullest Potential

Source: Hyde, M. Does anyone know the proper name of the phobia of having a woman as President? Woman President of color? Proper Name of Phobia                                        Fear Description Acrophobia                                                        height Agoraphobia                                                      open spaces, market place, etc. Ailurophobia                                                      cats Anthropophobia       ...

Sherlene Stevens: Million Man March 20th Anniversary

What we learned from the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March Summary (Just a woman's perspective) It wasn't a traditional social event; It is considered a social-cause movement, and the theme was Justice or Else! You had a "modernized choice" of viewing it on a local, TV cable channel such as C-SPAN or hosted event streaming. Don't you just love live streaming?  BET cable-channel did not air the gathering which has caused African-American audience disappointment of the latest re-branding effort of the network.  I've learned that women-of-color really do intrude the man cave. ... an all-male focused conference ... I am embarrassed of such actions, and I take this moment to apologize to the men present: Sorry . If your man doesn't trust himself--alone--to be in such a social setting, then he shouldn't attend with you (of the female gender :) The speech, Ladies:  "It's all about respect and trust. Respect for the socially focuse...

September's Tweets: Varied Topics

Tweet Summary for September "And You, Your Point of View Is__?"  is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Tweets Contributor: Families, general public. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. Food Safety Tips during Weather-Related Events How long, America, are we going to socially focus on race, and Kloran (KKK) or Koran (Islamic faith)? Black Lives Matter topic. "Be like us KKK social group; take off the sheets and discard your current brand logo." So what are faith-based businesses? When answering exclude churches, non-profits or large corporations (businesses). Humanity topic. "I know what it's like to be __." "I've always wanted to work with someone who knows a lot about __." There is a silent expression of excitement when we must struggle, or face death and destruction. "One's group's strengths is considered another g...

August's Tweets: Varied Topics

Tweet Summary for August "And You, Your Point of View Is__?"  is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Tweets Contributor: Families, general public. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. Who are the brown people (Native Americans)? yellow people (Mexicans, Latinos)? red people (Asians)? Back in the day, the Catholic pope requested the burning of 1000s of books housed at home libraries and library-model organizations. It use to be, if a child wanted to read books their parents would be required to consent before such actions. Some parts of Europe have banned any/all untraditional religious teachings targeting children and seniors. There is a decline of citizenship and tourism in areas owned by the French, British, and Australia. In the Islamic faith, policies and regulations--developed by Islamic leaders--are only upheld for 10 years; thereafter, such public policies are reintrod...

Comcast Cable Supplier, Yes?

Many unique households are saying "N-o-o, thank you." Here's why: The additional fees for installation may vary from $40 - $70 or more, depending on how many rooms of your unique households. New wiring in your unique household needed. Then, add another additional fee of $30 per room location. Bundle or not to bundle. To bundle means cheaper monthly rates, but a one- or two-year contract commitment is required. Your first bill is always higher than what the customer service representative estimates it to be. New service requires that you pay your first two months of cable service in the first  30 days of service  or else. What else could there be? Non-payment of service means temporary disconnection of service (with a $100 re-connection fee) and no allowance of purchasing a movie until your bill is paid in full. You have to wait several days for a service installation tech or you can always do it yourself. Comcast will mail the equipment out to you faster than a ...

Free Participation, Fall Course: Education Choices and Family Court

Provided by A Time To Learn Academy, non-profit organization. eLearning Course Welcome Letter  , click link. Week 1 and 2 (August 12 - August 25) Lecture Activities , click link Week 3 and 4 (August 26 - September 8) Lecture Activities Week 5 and 6 (September 9 - September 22) Lecture Activities Week 7 (September 23 - 29) Lecture Activities Week 8 and 9 (September 30 - October 12) Lecture Activities

ISIS vs. Muslims of Islam Facts

Tweets of July, 2015 @atimetolearn, And You, Your Point Is ... Show Islamic State forces Christians and Jews to pay more to live in international communities, more than Muslim citizens. Muslims and "all things politics" don't mix: very little political involvement or voting. Slavery, crucifixions and beheadings, no, not in today's civilized world, correct?!  Muslims believe in the "Sharia law" --free housing, free health care, free food, and free clothing. International Muslims have no respect for our president (Obama) because he's the non-Muslim child of a Muslim parent. ISIS Muslims refer to Jesus (Isa) as the second major prophet: "He'll [Isa] will return and lead Muslims to win a final victory. Jesus would have never been crucified had there been no voting rights for community citizens. One voice: "You've raped our women." ISIS Rep Adnana: "We'll conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women...

Visiting the Islands

Island Hideaways highlighted by Ebony ,  July, 2015 Appropriate for our annual July hosted theme, Islands Month. Ranguana Caye in Belize; Kaihalulu Beach in Maui, Hawaii;  Playalinda Beach in Canaveral Ntl Seashore, Florida; Orient Beach in State Park, New York;  Little St. in Simons Island, Georgia; Caribbean Sea at Coup les San Souci Resort, Jamaica; St. Joseph Peninsula in State Park, Florida;  Islamorada in Florida Keys, Florida;  Playa Rincon in the Dominican Republic; and, Sandbridge Beach, Virginia.

A Family Court Hearing Sample

Today's world requires more interactions between government and families. The current Obama administration believes that big government is the solution.  I agree to a point--until such governmental departments become less and less productive to their overall need for Americans. Some of my audiences are participating in an annual summer challenge: a pretend Confrontation War.  I wanted all of my audiences to review some of the available resources and activities that may be helpful at your unique household. As a current Presidential candidate, I want to be your president who allows a productive choice to our concerns. I also want to improve outdated services, programs and overall American old stuff. Here are two links that I would like to review at your leisure, such publications may be educational and useful in increasing family-bonding efforts of your external family sets. The following is a court hearing that my unique household was forced to be a participant. This ye...

Water Play Activities for Kids

Source: Wonderplay. 1995. Life Skills Activities Bathing a plastic doll or figurine. Washing toys. A plastic tablecloth on the floor of the kitchen or bathroom and a plastic basin to play with just a few inches of water (1 - 2 inches). Provide small sponges, and measuring cups with spouts. Turn on your child's favorite songs (not near water area). Art Activities Painting with a paintbrush and water only. Painting with food coloring. Painting with water paints.  Watercolor and crayons. Food Activities Melons Homemade Popsicles Adding water to ingredients to create a dish or a meal. Purchase character hooded towels for kids at my store. Click here  Sherlene Stevens's Retail Store

June's Tweets: Men Appreciation Month

Tweet Summary for June "And You, Your Point of View Is__?"  is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Host: Sherlene Stevens. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. According to a 2014 National Women's Biz Council report, women start businesses with less money than men. Why are African-American channels more expensive? I'd rather pay for each channel that I really watch. In today's modern world, only people who own homes actually put up wall decor and curtains --not renters. 2015 graduates. "When you start your career, you might think that you're setting out to change the world; but, the world is far more likely to change you." -Author unknown. "The church should be open to change, while being attuned to individual dislocation and suffering it can bring." -Pope Francis. The Kloran (KKK handbook) sounds to similar to the Koran (Islamic-scriptures...

Men Appreciation Month: What Does Love Look Like

Source: R. Exley. 1984.  The Making of a Man: Devotions for the Challenges that Men Face in Family & Career . Uploaded with no additional remarks. One day St. Augustine was asked, "What does love look like?" He answered: "It has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrow of men. That is what love looks like." 

May's Tweets: Women Appreciation Month

Tweet Summary for May "And You, Your Point of View Is__?"  is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Host: Sherlene Stevens. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. Tweet Show, follow @atimetolearn   Daily Tweet Show Eight out of ten moms work in the U.S. Not all females want to own a business or work at all, and that's okay. No one says, "Okay, God, I want to be born into a generational-cursed family." Four out of ten moms are the earners in the household. There are preachers, in other countries, whose sermons are prepared for them--by their country leader or president. Cubans [females] are learning how to hold baby showers at their dwellings. Ladies we must practice discretion; "Saying and doing the right thing in the right way at the right time." How many, Ladies, have the same number of kids that your mothers had? Or do you have more? Some count...

April's Tweets: Hearing Voices

Tweet Show, @atimetolearn:  Daily Tweet Show Tweet Summary for April "And You, Your Point of View Is__?" is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Host: Sherlene Stevens. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. First, audience or Tweetees, if you believe that "voices" that you may be hearing are telling you to do a bad thing, STOP ! Simply stop and don't do the action that is being said to you. You'll thank self later, okay. Having faith + Drug addiction+Hearing Voices = A long, but possible, life experience's battle. Don't think that hearing voices cease with health medicines or street drugs. There is so much drug usage in the United States that most States simply assume that all their citizens have a drug addiction challenge. Most drug usage (narcotics, meds), in our country, is to decrease actions of hearing voices. Medical mental medicines can b...

Do African Americans Create Their Own Majority Identity?

It is a fact that a majority of African-Americans have this untruth that their racial duty and responsibility is to be strictly defined as "workers" of our many occupations, or "receivers" of anything that is left, that is second best.  They feel some sense of duty or honor with being a part of this unlabeled working order in America. They love seeing such identifiable images as entertainment (as though it identifies the identity of all blacks). Any other image on the screen isn't being black enough, seems to be a false sense of social reality, or simply doesn't bring in the big rating numbers. What images do you immediately notice, when you look around your community? White leaders (business, entertainment):"Well, if you don't mind  ... It works for us." [Hell yeah! Cool.] Even with the vast amount of people, globally, the reality is this form of making our world go around is no longer working for the white-race identity.  And when their e...

Black History Month: Story Telling vs Reading Aloud

All throughout history, Africans have inspired other racial identities by their imaginative performance of retelling a real event or an imaginary story. Stories that you may have heard retold by an older family member can create a special family-bonding moment.  Unfortunately it does little to increase a child's reading ability, or your approval of having a passion of a good book. The Ritual of Reading Aloud Reading something together increases a passion of finding information out for self, whether it be for a hobby, school, or just for fun.  Children (or Adults) learn to read by being read to. Read books with and without pictures: without pictures increases one's imagination. Studies shows that early and good readers come from homes where reading is valued and experienced regularly.  The desire to read starts with being provided a comfortable environment to do so--at a pace set by the reader--and the reader's interest. Reading aloud to someone expands their worl...

Mentorship: How's Your Attitude?

Source:  Boothman, N. 2008. Attitudes are natural responses; here are a few attitudes that Boothman (2008) comments that are useless and should be avoided at work, home, and in relationships: angry sarcastic impatient bored disrespectful conceited pessimistic anxious rude suspicious vengeful afraid self-conscious mocking dutiful embarrassed

Mentorship: Satisfying Your Needs

January is Mentorship Month.  Our focus is on the subject of employees receiving benefits or perks other than a salary increase.  What are your needs, likes, and dislikes? Be creative, at your place of employment, when you see no monetary raise in sight. William Glassner, a psychiatrist and education consultant, implies that we all have the following needs--no matter race, gender, or identity: Survival (food, shelter, freedom from harm); Belonging (security, comfort, legitimate membership in group settings); Power (sense of importance, of stature, of being considered by others); Fun (having a good time, emotionally and intellectually); and, Freedom (to do by choice, self-direction, and responsibility). Unless we have the described needs, all such needs, met in unison then we only survive by human activities of personal or social chaos and dysfunction. So the next time that you're feeling some kind of way, you now know there is a reason why, right? One or mor...

Looking Past Wages, What Else May Be Offered At A New Job

Many blue-collar employees are now requesting their employers to increase minimum wage. Have you taken the time to consider all the other benefits (expenses) that your employer pays for on your behalf? Do you know what employers may be providing as compensation to their employees, along with their current earnings? Possible Benefits offered to an Employee (an expense or payout excluding wages) Commission per service or item sold Bonuses Incentive pay Signing bonuses Stock options Cost of living benefits International bonuses if you work abroad Flexible work schedule and/or telecommute Friendly work environment and staff Personal leave College tuition reimbursement Car allowance Day care reduced fees or reimbursement at your workplace or off-site Promotions Technology equipment usage Bartering for things you may need Casual dress code Being a part of a large company

Human Beings Have Human Rights

One of those rights is to have a personal point of view. Explaining the way that you feel or describe your feelings causes you to be an independent thinker. A question like "What is the color of your skin?" evokes a diversity of conclusions.  One may simply refer to their skin color by their racial identity. Another may give a descriptive response by providing a specific shade of color to define their skin tone.. There is no right or wrong answer of one's view point, unless your in a structured classroom where actual facts have been provided. I try to get my audience to focus on self and your unique household. Or what is best for you and your external family. As your aspiring 2016 presidential nominee such mannerisms will continue, Tell me the needs of your family or your business. What do you think about current American challenges? Next, provide clear ideas of  how we should solve such issues? Or is there another way that we should review such issues? Just be...