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Showing posts from 2016

Sherlene Stevens: What Does Jesus's Church Mean To Me

If we are going to celebrate Christmas as a national holiday, doesn't that mean that we are taking actions of recognizing the part about the so-called no-good, the--No, A GOOD--man named Jesus being born within the earth realm? So if Jesus is the reason for the representation of the national holiday, doesn't that mean that we should be able to reference "him" by whatever faith-based name (Jesus, Yahweh, Isa) within public venues when expressing the traditional December holiday (including public school venues and public school music concerts and plays)?! Just a faith-based or scientific hypnotic trance, just a thought, that's all.... "The wise get their inventory  when they need it;  Fools get what they need                                       before they really need or use it." -Sherlene (Dec. 2016) In the idea of Jesus, are we also to recognize the mission and v...

Sherlene Stevens: O Christmas Tree (The Real Ones)

It has been said that the cutting down of American trees, over time, by early European settlers, is nature's equivalent of punishment to us by creating today's global warming.--similar slaughter-like actions of Eve who ate from the Tree of Good and Evil (King James Version, Holy Bible). Due to the lack of rain, this year has been particularly harsh on nature's trees which become our decorative trees at our unique home styles. Real Tree Safety Tips  ( Better Homes and Gardens , B. Thorkelson, December 2016) Copied without correction. Needles should be green and should flex when you bend them. Does the tree shed needles, when you touch or grab it? Shake the tree before you have it wrapped (baled process is important to prevent wind damage to the tree). Make sure that your tree stand holds at least a gallon of water.  Wow!, so imagine how much rain one tree needs in a week People need water and so do trees. Try to avoid placing the tree near a heat source whe...

Sherlene Stevens: Entertainment of the Dead

As many of you know, my maternal grandmother passed away a few weeks ago (October 1) from kidney and heart failure. Before her recent passing, she was on dialysis for a few years. I know many of you probably have cherished entertainers and similar stories of loved ones who are no longer living in the earth realm.  As I was preparing my favorite videos list (Youtube) for our global December-holiday theme, I was listening and thinking about so many favorite entertainers, that we all have enjoyed, that are no longer living in the earth realm. Deceased musicians and singers that gave us that favorite song to sing or dance to.  Deceased actors displaying their emotions on the screen (TV, film) or play. Deceased entertainers who, when they were alive, were as real (easy going and nonjudgmental) to us as a favorite relative. Though they're no longer with us their lively actions remain within the entertainment industry (secular or faith-focused entertainment). Which brings me t...

Sherlene Stevens: Families Enjoy Thanksgiving, First

Most mail providers have temporary staff during the holidays. You may have a new mail carrier delivering your packages through the end of the year.You may have to express detailed delivery information to new staffer. 2017 is just a couple of weeks away, wow! Thanksgiving Tips Teach the importance of every individual's self-worth vs. total family-unit activities, at your home style for food prep and other family-oriented activities. Choose to create a dish that will become your special-dish tradition at your home style. Unless on a diet, I would suggest fixing a dinner at home even if you're going some place else for dinner. If you had the time to learn to cook a new food item, what would it be? Maybe next year. Do not cook your turkey four or more days in advance--unless you're going to freeze it. Always discard any left-overs after the fourth day.  How many of you know that you simply can't get the same batter by using certain off-brand products? Look for the...

Dear People of Color: Things I Wish You Knew

If I could write a letter to us--people of color--from a white person it would be as follows: Parental discretion is advised. Dear People of Color: I have been thinking about you, and I wish you knew that White people are really sorry for the events that led to the African slave trade, but we don't know what else we can do to help in culture unison. White people sometimes feel that African Americans would rather be slaves instead of trying in this new economy. We've always been a broke country and, yes, we used Africans to sustain the USA, or you could say that we used Africans for us to remain here instead of returning to Europe. African Americans care way too much about the "correct" behavior of kids, and materialistic things. White people are not originally from here either.  Are any of us, originally, from this country? The USA was a new home for most Native Americans, too. Maybe we were only actually right about segregated schools, and should have ...

Sherlene Stevens: New Era, The Fear of Wearing Professional Clothing

Since the recession, I have noticed a new consumer behavior by American people of color. In Ebonics, we don't really dress up anymore for traditional-school pictures, work, or our places of worship. A designers worst nightmare! In my opinion, people of color have the modern healthcare illness (PTSD)  when it comes to interacting with people who wear professional styles for a living within their work habits (ex. dresses, dress suits, pant suits, etc.). Or maybe it's actually the behavior history of remembering when your parents, magically, on Easter Sunday (or church events) or a traditional school program, were able to afford such attire for you. Yet, they couldn't quite seem to afford buying you that favorite doll, toy, or latest invention back then--that you so desperately begged for every time you went to your local store, right? Where does this emotion, modern dress-style habits, come from. Have you ever wondered? When we stopped purchasing or wearing such clothin...

Sherlene Stevens: Living Will, Five Wishes

Did you know that a living will is only valid during hospital stays in most instances? Click  example  (2013) to review the most common living will known in most states. It is a free document provided by traditional health-care facilities. Fact About the Five Wishes Will The will should only be used to address care while staying in a health-care facility . Avoid addressing external care or arrangements outside of a health-care facility. Anyone can complete a living will. Parents can complete the will on behalf of their children.  Some states require a witness signature to be considered a valid request of a patient. Each time that you stay at your local health-care facility, you may be asked if you would like to complete such a form.  It is a standard protocol conversation by hospital staff. If you complete one living will, you may request for a copy to be entered into your medical file for consistent or future usage.

Sherlene Stevens: Presidential Televised Debates

Just a few questions that I have after last night's debate between Clinton and Trump --Wondering if any one else has the following questions. Why are the debates aired at 9 p.m., instead of  7 p.m. or 8 p.m.? Don't they realize working people are tired at that time of night? Did you watch it again, today, on CSPAN? Why was Clinton dressed in all red?  Does anyone remember that First Lady Obama wore red, I believe, on election night. I thought wearing red is the symbol of a candidate of the Republican party. Will we ever see Clinton in a dress again? Or is wearing pant suits the current trend for professional women? Why were the candidates only asked questions that the American citizens had already heard their responses via earlier media and press? I believe I would have been disgusted to have secluded myself--away from my usual surroundings--to study probably for hours upon hours just to be asked the same questions over again. Well, they are probably now more knowledgea...

Sherlene Stevens: Just Call Me Your Avon eBrochure Lady

Today, I would like to inform my audience family that I will be strictly specializing in New Avon online shoppers' customer care: Live, English-speaking customer service during described business hours posted at my online store and personal website. As some of you know, since November, 2011, I have owned an Avon store (Newark, Delaware; District of Columbia; Union City, Georgia).  You could say that I am the creator of the Avon online brochure. Remember all of my online paper presentations while attending college attempting to receive my master's. Some of you guys would help me out by pretending to my audience.  We all have come along way from the days of not knowing Facebook or Twitter, let alone Slideshare. Did you know that a lot of online shoppers are using mobile apps or a mobile version of store brands to shop and purchase? When someone tells you to place your item in the shopping cart? Do you have trouble finding the online shopping cart of your favorite store? Most...

Sherlene Stevens: The Public School Student Calendar

Parents or Guardian, how many of you would like your child(ren)'s public-school district to begin a new school year "after" Labor Day?  There are many reasons why such a school district approach may not be so bad after all: More vacation time for school staff (who may not have worked during the summer months), children, and the short decrease of school building wear and tear (summer cooling equipment or none at all); More opportunities for school-age children to participate with external school projects and activities; and, The lack of disruption of having to take a mini vacation from new teachers, after the first few days of a  new academic year. Better yet, another question, would you rather have year-round public school buildings within your local community? This would require more frequent calendar vacations, perhaps every month. Traditional school vacations would be shortened to accommodate. Teachers would be required to work such calendar scheduling. I wo...

Kids Are Saying "Don't Blow That Smoke In My Face!"

Have you ever walked down an urban, public area or sidewalk only to get a puff of some kind of strange smelling smoke blown in your face?  I have. After relocating to a more urban-populated neighborhood, a few years ago, I realized that such smoking behavior was the norm--an everyday situation within my local community. It is a normal disregard by individuals who smoke modern-day what?--Weed.  Every day this is happening in unique homestyles, city playgrounds, and public sidewalks. There is a new trend, that is happening, where parents are deliberately intoxicating their children with marijuana. A few weeks ago, I read an article about a mother of color who was arrested for exhaling such smoke in front of her children. I have learned that second-hand weed smoke can exhibit someone to have the same effects as being truly high; it's called having a "contact."  The overall goal of the smoker is to dumb down the activity of children so that they will become less active or h...

Sherlene Stevens: Some Businesses Simply Can't Be Separated Racially

In this new America, I believe that there are some businesses that simply can't be soley for one-racial identity (customers). Does your list look like mine? My List Health care venues; Government staff venues; Places of worship or denominations when such organization is "the only" like-organization in a local community; Evening programs of places of worship; Political parties;  Funeral homes; Sport teams; Airports; Gas suppliers of gas stations; Car dealerships; Cable services; Utility services; Banks; Credit card services; Hotels, motels, Inns, etc.; and,  Internet services. What I learned from making this list is that all lives and occupations really do matter.

Sherlene Stevens: Black Lives Matter and Police Brutality

To view my United States Humanitarian Outline Plan,  [As Political Leader] My Response to BlackLivesMatter and PoliceBrutality, See the Family-Bonding Portal . Or Or copy this link,

Sherlene Stevens: Family Bonding Portal Viewers

Our annual Harmony Picnic was last Saturday--day before Father's Day.  Again, thank-you to those who participated at your unique household. Thanks to current audience family for your 2017 Sherlene-brand ideas. Some of the suggestion have been utilized: Portal Platform Features per Audience Idea Welcome Memo Tyler Perry News Channel  More Productive Facebook Page Name - Sherlene's Family Friendly Media Comments Return to former Days-of-Week Social Themes Picnic new name, Global Virtual Harmony Picnic Portal Platform Features per Sherlene Improved shopping lounge area for easier understanding. What is the Sherlene brand New sales pitch, improved vision description, etc, added:  The Sherlene-brand provides to people, and the audience family, the sharing of  family-friendly services and amusement advertisements in local communities. Servicing in a way that provides dignity and respect to the family lifestyle. A...

Sherlene Stevens: Poetry of Appreciation To My Female Audiences

Perhaps some of you, like me, have a daughter who has pursuits to attend college, or desires to move away for their first job opportunity. To a Daughter Leaving Home When I taught you at at eight to ride a bicycle, loping along beside you as you wobbled away on two round wheels, my own mouth rounding in  surprise when you pulled ahead down the curved  path of the park, I kept waiting for the thud of your crash as I sprinted to catch up, while you grew smaller, more breakable with distance, pumping, pumping for your life, screaming with laughter, the hair flapping behind you like a handkerchief waving goodbye. -- Linda Pastan Look what our attitude of  American finance systems have done--productively allowed the labels or identification of our most highlighted social dysfunctions towards money. A Song in the Front Yard I've stayed in the front yard all my life. I want a peek at the back where it's tough and untended and hungry weed grows.  A girl gets si...

Sherlene Stevens: Routine Review of Emails, Then There's Spam

At my home office, late afternoon, yesterday (April 11, 2016), I performed my typical e-mail organization routine. How dumb of me! I viewed my spams, and after reviewing a spam email (dated March 22nd), I opened the attached file to read . . . Bitcoin! This is what it said: ATTENTION! All your documents, photos, databases and other important personal files were encrypted using strong RSA-1024 algorithm with a unique key. To restore your files you have to pay 0.31003 BTC (bitcoins). Please follow this manual: 1. Create Bitcoin wallet here: 2. Buy 0.31003 BTC with cash, using search here: 3. Send 0.31003 BTC to this Bitcoin address:       13Yt9gdwySpH6bbdvU29H4HnkuGmXiWrda 4. Open one of the following links in your browser to download decryptor:   ...

Sherlene Stevens: The Earthly Man Named Jesus

So you may be reading this and aren't too familiar with structured religion. Who really was Jesus, while on earth? What was it like during his time? Jesus was born into Judaism: he was a Jew who practiced in the faith. Today, we would identify him as being a Jewish Christian. Jesus was smart--perhaps, today, he would have been classified a part of the gifted-and-talented. Remember: Only the Catholic and Jewish priests, or formal priests, were allowed to be taught how to read and write. Jesus was a homeless wanderer.  Most financially challenged people and his followers had no consistent home style. They often slept outside (warm climate). Yet, they knew how to conduct themselves in other people's living quarters. Jesus was born to fulfill the first promise of the one and true living God.  The second promise has yet to be fulfilled--the ending of the world as we know and the return of Jesus (See Holy Bible, Book of Revelation). It is all about this promise that we par...

Sherlene Stevens: "Talk to the Hand"

This topic is the Ebonic expression of informing another to not say or verbalize communication as in a traditional conversation actions. [In other words, one who raises "the hand" to imaginatively block such verbal listening of another.] Such modern action is actually a form of the old way of Roman Catholicism. It is formally defined, by Catholics, as actions of "excommunication." One or family set that is EXCOMMUNICATED, can not-- Participate in personal community function space in communities, or near the Roman Church (the mother church of most of our today's church sects and denominations foundations or layout administrative leadership and practices designs). Be buried on church-owned land. Continue in an active, formal, real marriage, or in a marital engagement. Have sex with current real spouse (if so ordered by the Church). Sometimes, too, another mate is introduced or assigned (by the Church) to the spouse whom is not found in excommunicated st...

Sherlene Stevens: Old Catholicism Way: Historical Monks

Back in the day, only the majority of Roman Catholic priests and monks could read and write. Some of the kings didn't possess such skills and relied heavily on religious leaders. European religious leaders were the only group who really studied or became learned in education, opposite minority cultures and communities of other continents. White leadership: "My side partner--a priest or a monk." Monks lived under a vow of silence, so hush or Sh-h-h-h! Monks would live, undisturbed, in their home style, away from the secular social culture. Monks would intentionally bruise their bodies--some performed daily--as a sacrifice to God. Monks would participate in daily or routine food fasts. Monks would spend long hours in prayers or meditation. Monks, some of them, would beat their own flesh by wearing of a heavy chain. [modern male trends, Hmm] Monks, some of them, would falsify biblical events and writings of the Holy Bible to allow Roman Catholicism to be the religi...

Sherlene Stevens: First Day of March, 2016

Dear Audience Family, The Family-Bonding Portal has a new look, for a new month, during a leap year!  Since I am in the actions of concluding my 2016 presidential candidate run, I have taken down my official campaign website page look.  Please take a moment to review the old and new page tabs.  Political Campaign. It was nice meeting and speaking to American citizens who really thought highly of me and my campaign run.  I am going to keep some of the campaign-related news and topics on the web page until January 20, 2017--such as my presidential proposal. Other campaign topics will be taken down, after the national election, in November. Portal. It is my goal to continue to update you, audience family, of current family-related national topics and family amusements.  The international version of the portal will have amusement topics from various continents. It will be completed in a few weeks. Don't stop providing me with your event tips and suggestio...

Sherlene Stevens: Flexible Racial Setting Activities

Do you know how to participate at a function when there are other racial identities--and your, you know, the only one? Now What Be aware of your surroundings at all times, while participating in the given function. Do you have a cell phone? Did you tell someone where you were going? This may be an inappropriate environment to drink: stay alert of your own gestures and actions. If someone extends a hand for a handshake or hug don't wipe your hands in front of the person, etc.  Don't assume that you know everything of the culture and social attitudes of the other race in the setting.  Avoid repeating their words to others that you hear in the setting. If you don't know something about the setting's activities, ask someone: "What --?" "So what--?" and "Now what?" "Absorb from others without trying to become somebody else." -Chuck L. (Oct. 2015) If you are to select the fine-art activities, find out what your audience would ...

Sherlene Stevens: Secular vs. Non-Secular Dress Code

First, I believe it is important to know what's appropriate-- in regards to clothing expectations at any work or social setting. If you don't know what is expected of you, or you don't have such garments in your closet . . . then what ?! Then What . . . Job Interview - Ask the hiring manager what is the work setting like-- before arriving for your scheduled interview. Or simply ask, "Is wearing  a shirt and tie, or pantsuit (ladies) appropriate? [When visiting Big Lots, I am always amazed by the casual, work-clothing style for their clerks and stockers: affordable job opportunity, smiles.] Social Event - Again, as for a job interview, ask the host what clothing would be appropriate. If you aren't able to ask someone, take a long a nice sweater or jacket (use for cover up or it will simply add to your outfit like an accessory). Make certain the added garment is appropriate for the weather or season. School Event - It really depends on the school choice. Most ...