If we are going to celebrate Christmas as a national holiday, doesn't that mean that we are taking actions of recognizing the part about the so-called no-good, the--No, A GOOD--man named Jesus being born within the earth realm? So if Jesus is the reason for the representation of the national holiday, doesn't that mean that we should be able to reference "him" by whatever faith-based name (Jesus, Yahweh, Isa) within public venues when expressing the traditional December holiday (including public school venues and public school music concerts and plays)?! Just a faith-based or scientific hypnotic trance, just a thought, that's all.... "The wise get their inventory when they need it; Fools get what they need before they really need or use it." -Sherlene (Dec. 2016) In the idea of Jesus, are we also to recognize the mission and v...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.