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I Take a Stand and I Refuse to Back Down

From the Editor
Dear Unique Family Households:
Thank you for reading this week's edition of The Family Bond Paper.  The online newspaper (blog) is available each Tuesday.  Each day is getting better as I continue the healing process from the hurts of the emergency surgery of close to three weeks ago. My hosted event for October is Before Structured U.S.A. Government 10/21-31, and Twitter tweets of our presidential election (October-November 10). October is also Italian and Polish American Heritage Month. November's hosted event will be Native American Indian Month. Lastly, December's hosted event is Global Family Holiday Traditions. The A Time To Learn Show (Twitter @atimetolearn) has a new time, Tuesday - Thursday, 7:30 p.m. EST.

The New Monday Show
Last night's radio broadcast discussed, "It Rains On The Just As Well As The Unjust." God (Yahweh, Allah) uses the least and the unique.... You may listen to show 24/7 at I hope that you are reading the daily family inspirational quote each morning. Available Mon-Fri before 10:30 a.m.

Let's talk I Take a Stand and I Refuse to Back Down
With the movie Won't Back Down coming to theatres on Friday, what topic is it that you are firmly resistant to change your position? I believe my topic is (home schooling) education and general public issues. There are so many public schools/general public, in my opinion, that are wasting their strength in numbers to discuss problems that are -plain and simple- not going to be resolved.  Traditional schooling is becoming obsolete, old. If you do not believe me than go to any quality school and view a classroom.  They have small classroom sizes; each student has not one, but several personal technologies for usage at their assigned desk. And, every teacher in the building did not receive a bachelor's in Special Education (not the gifted and talented one), or is strictly certified in Special Education. Parents its time to be parents again. The problem is that there are many households where parents/guardians have the traditional philosophy that when babies grow, and become school-age that they are expected to enter somebody's public school system (anybody's system), never fully participating in their children's education. Parents, please do not rely on teachers to fully teach your child any thing. A little advice: unless they have one teacher throughout all of their learning years.

Dysfunctional parenting (see Sherlene Stevens model in The Script in My Box) is when you allow some one else to persuade you, or force you to allow them to raise your child(ren). Should we fault the public school structure? Should we fault the public school teachers or principal? Ultimately, this is where the parents are at fault. You have a choice in your child's education -to participate or not. If not, than do not expect any improvements in your child's abilities. Just, if you can, imagine for a moment having the full opportunity to govern your child's education by home schooling. This is where I take a stand and say, "home schooling should be performed at least until your child is at the third grade academic level, or is fully reading at that level at any age whether they're two or nine." Never put a hold on your child's learning. If your child achieves in learning how to multiply in the first or second grade, so what? Avoid the traditions of the public school where it's normally achieved by their third or fourth grade learning years. I am hoping that there are still some parents who Won't Back Down. Is that parent or guardian you?
WON'T BACK DOWN in Theatres Friday