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Showing posts with the label health

April's Tweets: Hearing Voices

Tweet Show, @atimetolearn:  Daily Tweet Show Tweet Summary for April "And You, Your Point of View Is__?" is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Host: Sherlene Stevens. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. First, audience or Tweetees, if you believe that "voices" that you may be hearing are telling you to do a bad thing, STOP ! Simply stop and don't do the action that is being said to you. You'll thank self later, okay. Having faith + Drug addiction+Hearing Voices = A long, but possible, life experience's battle. Don't think that hearing voices cease with health medicines or street drugs. There is so much drug usage in the United States that most States simply assume that all their citizens have a drug addiction challenge. Most drug usage (narcotics, meds), in our country, is to decrease actions of hearing voices. Medical mental medicines can b...

Healthy Body Image and Signals of Eating Disorders

Source: The Parent Institute. (n.d.)  Did you know that experts estimate that 70% of all American girls begin dieting between the ages of 14 and 21--regardless of their body image? Do's and Dont's Point out that bodies come in a lot of shapes and sizes. Provide examples of potential role models that your child looks up to. Don't allow your child's concern about body type take over their life. Help your child remember what's really important. Know your own feelings about body type. Be careful what you say and how your body expresses it around your child. Don't judge others on the basis of their unique appearance, body size or shape. Whomever is the cook at your unique household, be the example for your child of healthy eating habits by teaching food planning. Danger Signals Your child will not eat foods that contain fat. Your child is losing a lot of weight. Or, isn't gaining a normal amount of weight for their age and height.  Your chil...

Home Office Organization: Make Sure Your Home is a Healthy One

Reprinted without comment.  Source:  (Dec., 2010).  This article will conclude the company's mentorship month theme: "home office space and organization." I want to review some possible dangers when working from home (or small space areas), or to people who spend most of their time indoors or at home. Throughout the year, I will post additional articles of topic-focus available to your unique household and/or family business. Cleaning products - If a cleaning product is hazardous, it will say so on the label. Be aware of the words Toxic, Flammable or Combustible, Corrosive or Strong Sensitizer, Danger, Poison, Warning, or Caution . Suggestion : Make your own cleaning products. For example, mayonnaise can lift crayon marks from furniture. Make furniture polish from 3 parts olive oil and 1 part white vinegar. Cornstarch can keep carpets clean and remove grease stains. Baking soda is great for cleaning the body and your household items: re...

Home Office Organization: Filing Appeal for Denied Health Care Costs

Source: Zamosky, May, 2013. Reprinted with no further comments.  Have you created a home office space in your unique household? Just find a consistent place to store office supplies (pens, stapler, staples, scissors, postage stamps, writing paper, files that you can store in a cardboard box or filing cabinet), and important papers. Know the Process - Insurers are required to provide information about the appeals process, so read any extra papers included in the letter of denial that you received.  Keep all papers mailed to you.  If you don't have such a document, search for the information on your insurer's website or call the company to request the form be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to you. Note the day and time that you either called, chatted, e-mailed, or faxed. Make Your Case in a Letter - Include all the usual things  1.) Your policy number, 2.)Date service was rendered, 3.)Location of the service that's in dispute, and 4) the provider (doctor or health ca...

Natural Plants and Your Health

Source: and (2013) Peppermint - Alleviates digestive discomfort. Ginger - Prevents nausea. Chamomile - Calms the nervous system. Fennel - Soothes and supports digestion. Dandelion Root - Stimulates the liver. Nettle Leaf - Supports joint health. Houseplants - absorbs pollutants (Boston ferns, pot mums, and lady palms) Green-labeled products

African American and Native American Females: Effects of Chemical Hair Relaxers

Source: Maclin, M. 2013, Oct. S2S.  Maclin is a doctor who has studied over 70,000 African-American hair loss cases, Maclin provided an interesting article of possible relaxed hair care side effect that I thought I would share during Native American Appreciation Month (Nov.) Chemical-Free Curl advised until the age of 16 for healthier young females in our communities. Avoid perming/relaxing if you are experiencing current hair loss or scalp issues. Avoid relaxers if you have been diagnosed with fibroids or infertility. Avoid relaxers if you are currently pregnant. Why? Most hair loss is attributed to early perming and abuse (such as leaving perm on longer than suggested, perming too frequently, usage of the wrong strength of perm for hair texture). Sherlene's advice: I know with my mixed cultural hair I have a challenge with wanting to overperm - make it straight realizing it will only be that way for a few days. How many Native-American fem...

Let's talk: Canned Goods Storage during Summer Months

The Family Bond Paper has a new look!!! To allow your unique household to spend less time reading and more family-bonding time. I will no longer include an editor's note unless really important, or add highlights of The New Monday Show with Sherlene Stevens . Please visit the family-friendly Portal at available 24/7 Never store canned items in direct window sun light in your kitchen, garage, basement, or storage building. It can lose nutritional value, flavor, or actual color. Never store canned goods in a cabinet over the stove. Never store canned goods under a sink due to moisture. If you must purchased canned items during high-heat days open cans, pour in freezer bags, and place in your refrigerator freezer or freezer.  Try to keep all of your canned items in a space that is at or below 70 degrees. Try to visit your local grocery store more often and store "less" due to extreme summer storms and heat.  Las...

Organizing Your Refrigerated Items

From the Editor Ladies, I hope your week hasn't been too challenging. As we prepare for the Memorial Day holiday, please take time out to pray for the 7 United Methodist black churches located in Kent County, Maryland.  Again, there are two pastors resigning and will be leaving as of June 2, 2012. These are seven churches with no consistent leadership. I am quite sure that there must be a better way to fellowship. If only they would vote for me. I CARE. I KNOW. I AM WILLING TO BE YOUR ACTING PASTOR 7 CHURCHES. My attending church didn't even have Easter Sunday service this year. It is so frustrating when you are trying to guide your own children by attempting some type of normal family structure and bonding time when divorced. Are you satisfied with your church/mosque/temple leadership? The New Monday Show We are still continuing with praise and worship:  Featured songs that were chosen during the discussion of the Book of Numbers (Holy B...