Source: Zamosky, May, 2013. Reprinted with no further comments. Have you created a home office space in your unique household? Just find a consistent place to store office supplies (pens, stapler, staples, scissors, postage stamps, writing paper, files that you can store in a cardboard box or filing cabinet), and important papers. Know the Process - Insurers are required to provide information about the appeals process, so read any extra papers included in the letter of denial that you received. Keep all papers mailed to you. If you don't have such a document, search for the information on your insurer's website or call the company to request the form be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to you. Note the day and time that you either called, chatted, e-mailed, or faxed. Make Your Case in a Letter - Include all the usual things 1.) Your policy number, 2.)Date service was rendered, 3.)Location of the service that's in dispute, and 4) the provider (doctor or health ca...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.