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Showing posts with the label human behavior

Sherlene Stevens: "You're A Horrible Person"

Do you know how to go through the five phases of the emotional or feelings process? Shock, denial, or protest; Bargaining; Anger (acting out); Depression (anger turned inward); and, lastly, Understanding and coping. Have you ever called someone a horrible person? When you are ready, when you are finally able to express to another person your "frustration" of their unproductive actions or behavior, you are simply expressing to them that you need their help--emotionally. What you are actually saying to the person is that you need their help in dealing with a current, right-now situation. You need them to participate in your personal emotional process. The horrible person, your abuser, is actually a learned behavior of dysfunctional actions--that have been allowed socially: You know that you can rely on the fact that the horrible person will continue to be in your life, no matter how odd of your connection with the horrible person. You can rely on the person'...

Sherlene Stevens: The 'No" [A] Good Man Named Jesus

Do you believe that Jesus was perfect within the earth realm? Jesus was the only begotten son of God, yes. He was also a male with human characteristics just like you and me; he had flaws just like you and me. The Holy Bible reveals to us that God describes all of his human beings as having flaws and weaknesses. So don't you be afraid of your realities of your imperfect ways. We are human creatures that have an unending desire for more to simply satisfy or fulfill us. This would include Jesus in his humanistic flesh. This would include the reality that Jesus could never be totally perfect here: He came to redeem us from our sins, and to feel and understand human feelings and actions--to help us survive in flesh, and soul or spirit.     Jesus was a man with desires, wants and needs. The two-person (God and Holy Spirit) are not able to truly understand what it's like to be a human because both are the spirit. Yet, God gave us Jesus to explain--to him--humankind's fears...

Mentorship: Satisfying Your Needs

January is Mentorship Month.  Our focus is on the subject of employees receiving benefits or perks other than a salary increase.  What are your needs, likes, and dislikes? Be creative, at your place of employment, when you see no monetary raise in sight. William Glassner, a psychiatrist and education consultant, implies that we all have the following needs--no matter race, gender, or identity: Survival (food, shelter, freedom from harm); Belonging (security, comfort, legitimate membership in group settings); Power (sense of importance, of stature, of being considered by others); Fun (having a good time, emotionally and intellectually); and, Freedom (to do by choice, self-direction, and responsibility). Unless we have the described needs, all such needs, met in unison then we only survive by human activities of personal or social chaos and dysfunction. So the next time that you're feeling some kind of way, you now know there is a reason why, right? One or mor...