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Showing posts with the label Title 1 Schools

Welfare-State Community Category Checklist

I believe every community citizen has the right to know whether they live in a welfare-state community. The following guide will help your unique household, or family business in predicting future financial or personal goal outcomes.  Remember, "Every household should have a home office." Place this list in your home office area, and review when being challenged with your current finances or productivity goals: Note: This guide was created by Sherlene Stevens, Jan. 2014, your aspiring 2016 president. There are More hospital organizations than available homes. More low-income housing than home owners or home renters. More Title 1 schools and programs than traditional public schools or education choices. More Head Start programs in adjoining or shared buildings than public community centers or public programs. More minimum-wage job opportunities than long term, full-time jobs. More churches or religious organizations that do not provide or invite all of the commun...