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Showing posts with the label internal government staffers

Sherlene: Dear Federal Government Workers

Dear Federal Government Workers, I have empathy for what you are going through right now. I worked for the government for several years--regardless of whether employment verification is given. You should really get one of them to prove to your debtors the severity of this partial government shutdown. How does it feel to work every single day and not have a paycheck, feels like volunteerism right? Oh, and if I were you I would keep a separate timesheet journal to include in your work portfolio. Let's hope that no one steals your work portfolio--like another internal government employee of your career industry. How can you prove that you work for the government when you aren't getting a paycheck?  I guess you could prove it by your tax return is what several federal workers told me. Just keep in mind that a tax return doesn't formally identify your job title with the organization. In other words, an IRS representative will not be able to determine you what you are doing, w...