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Showing posts with the label Hebrew

Introduction:Holy Bible Chp. 4 & Surah 2:42-48

Introduction Aired 9/20/2010. Question posed? Is the male species incapable of completing a task or goal alone?  Since we know that God (Yaweh, Allah) created everything for him in the beginning of creation? Do females have the innate ability to follow through on tasks? As discussed earlier, the first Man and Woman were created on the continent of Africa. Africans and Arabians orginally spoke Hebrew and wrote from right to left.  This is why Algebra is best studied in this fashion.  The Hebrew people understand the full origin of sacrifices unto the Lord.  We do  know that there were animal sacrifices, crop sacrifices, and human sacrifices. The first sacrifices within these categories were also important.  It isn't about just giving, or giving the best of your ability.  It is about showing that you are thankful for your ability or blessing. Example: You can give a smile (thankful) to a stranger and yet, have an ugly attitude o...