What is Bullying? 1. Leaving someone out on purpose. 2. Forcing someone to remain in a secluded audience area, during an activity, in order to be a part of the establishment or an activity. 3. Threatening to hurt someone. 4. Deliberately harming another person. 5. Deliberately not speaking to another person to exclude their participation, as a group. 5. Telling untrue stories about another person or persons. 6. Harassing someone. 7. Forcefully attacking someone who would like to participate in an establishment or an activity. 8. Unnecessary spying or watching a person because of an unrealistic possible threat targeted towards the bully. How Can You Prevent Bullying? 1. Don't fight back. 2. Always be with a group around a bully; remain alert of surroundings. 3. Ignore the bully, walk away. 4. Don't spread rumors. 5. Tell an adult or friend. 6. Be a friend and make friends. Do You Ever Bully? Check-List 1. Do you go o
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.