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Showing posts with the label black men

Sherlene Stevens: Million Man March 20th Anniversary

What we learned from the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March Summary (Just a woman's perspective) It wasn't a traditional social event; It is considered a social-cause movement, and the theme was Justice or Else! You had a "modernized choice" of viewing it on a local, TV cable channel such as C-SPAN or hosted event streaming. Don't you just love live streaming?  BET cable-channel did not air the gathering which has caused African-American audience disappointment of the latest re-branding effort of the network.  I've learned that women-of-color really do intrude the man cave. ... an all-male focused conference ... I am embarrassed of such actions, and I take this moment to apologize to the men present: Sorry . If your man doesn't trust himself--alone--to be in such a social setting, then he shouldn't attend with you (of the female gender :) The speech, Ladies:  "It's all about respect and trust. Respect for the socially focuse...

June's Tweets: Men Appreciation Month

Tweet Summary for June "And You, Your Point of View Is__?"  is an opportunity for an online, open class-style audience, to ponder of topic tweets which may or may not be factual. Host: Sherlene Stevens. Sponsor Associate: A Time To Learn Academy. According to a 2014 National Women's Biz Council report, women start businesses with less money than men. Why are African-American channels more expensive? I'd rather pay for each channel that I really watch. In today's modern world, only people who own homes actually put up wall decor and curtains --not renters. 2015 graduates. "When you start your career, you might think that you're setting out to change the world; but, the world is far more likely to change you." -Author unknown. "The church should be open to change, while being attuned to individual dislocation and suffering it can bring." -Pope Francis. The Kloran (KKK handbook) sounds to similar to the Koran (Islamic-scriptures...

Hell Week: A True Man Cave Experience

Men, think you're having a hellish week? From an African tribe in the Thonga of southern Africa, there is a cultural tradition that has been adopted by men and college societies and religious leaders all over the world--in one behavior or another: aka Hell Week.      When a boy is somewhere between 10 and 11 years of age, he is sent by his parents to "circumcision school", which is held every four or five years.  In company with his age-mates he undergoes severe hazing by the adult males of the society.  The initiation begins when each boy runs the gauntlet between two rows of men who beat him with clubs. At the end of this experience, he is stripped of his clothes and his hair is cut.  He is next met by a man covered with lion manes and is seated upon a stone facing this "lion man." Someone then strikes him from behind and when he turns his head to see who has struck him his foreskin is seized and in two movements is cut off by the "lion man." Aft...