Aired January 24, 2011. Have you ever felt betrayed, or found guilty of some wrong doing? Yet, you were really innocent. In Chp. 44 we read that Joseph was betrayed by his brothers. Now, to teach them a lesson he placed a silver cup in his youngest brother's sack. A sack that he had requested for the family. Benjamin had not been a part of the family secret. The Egyptians and Hebrews lived separately. If they had to gather for any reason the Egyptians would sit apart from the Hebrews. Chp. 44 44:18 Notice Lord is not capitalized or upper cased. You will only find an upper case "L" when making reference to God (Allah, Yahweh, or Jesus). Chp. 45 45:5 Do you suppose this is what Jesus says to faith believers? 45:21 Joseph is now the governor of Egypt and everything in it. He respects his boss, and his position. We must be like Joseph to understand our place or identity on the job. This will allow us to build trust/loyalty...
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.