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Showing posts with the label family lifestyle

Sherlene: Quotes of Garden Things

Gardening is nothing more than focused actions of classifying, organizing, and providing nourishments along the way or when necessary. The world is full of thorns and thistles. It's all in how you grasp them. -Arnold Glasow We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and that which came to us as blossom may go them as fruit.  That is what we mean by progress. -Henry Ward Beecher Have patience and the mulberry leaf will become satin. -Spanish Proverb With personal faith, plant those seeds. -Quote, that I frequently use. Holy defines "the actions" of his name, of him--God. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, "is" the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. -Isaiah 6:3 (KJV Bible) The earth's his footstool and heaven his throne; all creation is his own. His love and power will prevail; his promises never fail. -Old Spiritual Hymn (I believe inspired ...

Sherlene Stevens: Thanksgiving Food Prep Advice

These are just a few suggestions that I am sharing with you, your family or family business: Do not use a potato that has a stem or leaves growing from it, is turning green, or is rotten. It may make you sick. Try cooking some items the day before. Store in fridge or in a non-heated room. How long have you had spices? sugars? salt? These items are preserved to last for years. Over time, however, they begin to lose their original flavor. You will know because it seems like you have to use more to get the taste that is familiar to you. To avoid pots boiling over put a wooden spoon on top of the pan, instead of a lid. Store milk- or butter-based dessert items in the fridge. You may also freeze most dessert items up to at least three months. Applesauce should be prepared and stored in the fridge until usage. Allow your turkey to thaw in the fridge or fill your kitchen sink with water and cover. Avoid placing food in direct sunlight or near a window. Sodas and prepared drink...

Sherlene Stevens: Christian Cross is the Fly On the Wall

The Cross is really faith believer's actions of what each of us does--seen and unseen everyday. Sort of like a fly on the wall that hears all and sees all. If you could pick up your personal cross, what would it reflect? Yahshua-Yahweh/JESUS/Isa wasn't welcome in many places, but it didn't change his morals or purposes.  I admit that some places he did instruct his followers to forget that they were ever there, and to shake the dust off of their feet. During Jesus's life span, people wore open-shoe styles (flip flops, sandals) even if it meant having dust or sand dust all over one's feet. With the warmer climates, many of us will probably replace tennis shoes and high heels for the average flip flop.  Though most podiatrists (foot doctors) believe that flip flops are "the worst" creative invention. Why is it that many people, globally, wear them? Americans must not be wearing the correct flip-flop/sandal material of quality then. We now know that Chris...

Sherlene Stevens: Entertainment of the Dead

As many of you know, my maternal grandmother passed away a few weeks ago (October 1) from kidney and heart failure. Before her recent passing, she was on dialysis for a few years. I know many of you probably have cherished entertainers and similar stories of loved ones who are no longer living in the earth realm.  As I was preparing my favorite videos list (Youtube) for our global December-holiday theme, I was listening and thinking about so many favorite entertainers, that we all have enjoyed, that are no longer living in the earth realm. Deceased musicians and singers that gave us that favorite song to sing or dance to.  Deceased actors displaying their emotions on the screen (TV, film) or play. Deceased entertainers who, when they were alive, were as real (easy going and nonjudgmental) to us as a favorite relative. Though they're no longer with us their lively actions remain within the entertainment industry (secular or faith-focused entertainment). Which brings me t...

Sherlene Stevens: Family Bonding Portal Viewers

Our annual Harmony Picnic was last Saturday--day before Father's Day.  Again, thank-you to those who participated at your unique household. Thanks to current audience family for your 2017 Sherlene-brand ideas. Some of the suggestion have been utilized: Portal Platform Features per Audience Idea Welcome Memo Tyler Perry News Channel  More Productive Facebook Page Name - Sherlene's Family Friendly Media Comments Return to former Days-of-Week Social Themes Picnic new name, Global Virtual Harmony Picnic Portal Platform Features per Sherlene Improved shopping lounge area for easier understanding. What is the Sherlene brand New sales pitch, improved vision description, etc, added:  The Sherlene-brand provides to people, and the audience family, the sharing of  family-friendly services and amusement advertisements in local communities. Servicing in a way that provides dignity and respect to the family lifestyle. A...