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Showing posts with the label human rights

Sherlene Stevens: Black Lives Matter and Police Brutality

To view my United States Humanitarian Outline Plan,  [As Political Leader] My Response to BlackLivesMatter and PoliceBrutality, See the Family-Bonding Portal . Or Or copy this link,

Human Beings Have Human Rights

One of those rights is to have a personal point of view. Explaining the way that you feel or describe your feelings causes you to be an independent thinker. A question like "What is the color of your skin?" evokes a diversity of conclusions.  One may simply refer to their skin color by their racial identity. Another may give a descriptive response by providing a specific shade of color to define their skin tone.. There is no right or wrong answer of one's view point, unless your in a structured classroom where actual facts have been provided. I try to get my audience to focus on self and your unique household. Or what is best for you and your external family. As your aspiring 2016 presidential nominee such mannerisms will continue, Tell me the needs of your family or your business. What do you think about current American challenges? Next, provide clear ideas of  how we should solve such issues? Or is there another way that we should review such issues? Just be...