From the Editor Audience, first, I would like to wish you a Happy Fourth of July ! We are celebrating my birthday (July 23) all month long. Please take a moment to view all the great event festivals that are happening this weekend at my official website (Global Events Posts tab). Be extra careful with sparklers around trees this holiday due to our recent historic weather temperatures. Let also remember those who tried with all their might to change our neighborhoods, communities, and country for the better of all races, and cultural settings. New Monday Show Highlights Surah V: 62-102 People who strive hard in doing the right things (right path) are noticed by Allah (Yahweh, God). These are the people or families that we should consistently hang around and try to model (copy). Such individuals may feel that their work isn't noticed because they struggle with many conflicts or challenges. It is because they are changing generational curses (families, neigh
Lifestyle Blog: Various Topics and Dear Sherlene Letters. Sherlene D. Stevens is a family appropriate blogger, and owns a help-services concierge company brand in Maryland, USA.