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Nat Turner and Post-Blackness

From the Editor
I send you a hug, smile, and a prayer that God (Yahweh, Allah) will give you strength as many of you may be cleaning up from Hurricane Sandy. Tomorrow is the trial of Nat Turner on my Twitter (#WhatIsYourPoint). Nat Turner, at this hour: They have discovered the dead white bodies, and at this time they are still searching for Nat.  Tomorrow will be the conclusion of my role playing of Nat Turner during my hosted event theme, Before Structured U.S.A. Government. November is hosted theme Native American Appreciation Month. Featured Songs and FavVideos will be available some time tomorrow before sunset.
Note: I am in the process of relocating. In the next couple of weeks, I will no longer reside in the state of Delaware. I will keep you updated and ask for your prayers as I transition my current lifestyle. The Help Link hotline (302-838-4357) will no longer be available after November 25. I am no longer a part of the Delaware 211 resources. Please do not send mailings to my company's mailing address of P.O. Box 26192, Wilmington, DE 19899.

The New Monday Show
Last night's discussion was about the quantity or value of "three". Do you know the biblical meaning of three? If not please listen to last night's show, It can be heard 24/7.

Let's talk Nat Turner and Post-Blackness
Summary of Nat Turner facts to be presented in tomorrow's case: Nat Turner is a preacher, and a slave leader. He is married at the time of the killings, and is a smart and courageous Nigger.  He was born (October 2, 1800)  into slavery, and worked on a plantation in Southhampton County, Virginia. Both parents lived in the home until his father ran away. His mother and grandmother were very religious. There is records of him trying to run away in his younger days. Nat loves himself some Niggers. He would do anything for his own kind. They called him a prophet at a very young age. He has become a very private person around his own kind. In other words, he has learned more smarts than his kind around him. Niggers call people who are smarter than them prophets. Cause they's don't know no other name to describe there presence. You see the only smarts allowed to be around Niggers is whites and preachers, no teachers of any kind except wise old Niggers.

Nat Turner has gathered a group of about sixty to eighty Niggers,  and they done killed fifty-five to sixty-five of whites in close to two days. Some might call it actions of a revolt of some kind. He and his group was trying to make it to Jerusalem, which is the county seat of Southampton. He got captured before he made it there. He done scared whites all over the South (Virginia and other slave states). In fact, Mississippi and Tennessee want to expel free Niggers, return em back to Africa or American slavery.

At the trial we's asking for the Nat Turner rebellion to never be spoken of in no books, records, and especially by no Niggers (free or enslaved). Whites would like for Nat Turner and his group to simply disappear. They don't want to remember nothing about what done happen! What will be Nat Turner's fate? View the tweets show tomorrow...

What is post-blackness? It is an action and characteristics of black people presently, after slavery and the cultural historical times of the 60s. In Who's Afraid of Post-Blackness?, author Toure describes what it is like to be a present, educated, African-American citizen in our country around his own (kind) Black ethinicity or often referred to as the Black community.
