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Sherlene: But President 'Trump' Won

What is it that really allowed Donald Trump to even get into the political game? Was it something that citizens or his rental customers expressed to him that he should do verbally or by verbal cues? What was it?

I have read many articles that possibly could provide some insight.  Could it be that he simply said it enough, to all he knew and to himself, that it truly came to pass? Have you ever heard that words have power? Already having lots of money simply wasn't enough for him. His personality trait wanted more.

I don't think Trump is a psychopath. I think he is a realist and an example of our society's current morals and values. It's okay for him to speak the way he addresses all of us. It's okay for him to act the way he physically acts. For example, if he wants to physically shove an individual around, that he doesn't even know, it's OK. But why is it okay? Why doesn't such behavior get mentioned by our media platforms or by American citizens?

Is this our country's new attitude towards anyone that is not from the North America continent? If we're not asking such questions, have we lost our social responsibilities of how we treat others? Is there too much digital relationships and fake relationships that we don't even have respect for the humanistic relationship? The humanistic relationship wherein when we are in an audience setting instead of shouting, interrupting or shoving another we speak in the correct tone, the correct physical touch.  This is the true-and-lasting treasure that I believe his representation (presiding U.S. presidential symbol) should be engaging when across the pond, internationally.

Donald Trump is a verbal man, and that is how he won being President Trump. He spoke it into existence. His surroundings (people groups and individuals) allowed him, all throughout his many careers, to lead to share verbal instructions of what he should be and who he should become. Yet, through it all, he didn't know he was going to do it. Money can't buy "power"--to dictate life experiences. Trump has tapped into something, and we, citizens of this country, have allowed him to nourish and cultivate it. Yet, we see the reflections of unproductivity by the lack of his skills and commitment to human resourcing, staffing. Do you realize that if you were to call many of our governmental departments and agencies that no one would answer? There are empty seats at many desks and offices within governmental buildings. There are still many key staffing positions open within his administration, and we're into over a year-and-a-half of this current political administration. Does any other well-known day-to-day business, such as a large corporation brand, not hire workers, supervisors, and managers to serve its customers?

Overall, the now-president Donald Trump has learned the art of manipulation. He knows what he's doing. He is a leader, he really is: Lastly, it is up to us, American citizens, however, to require him--if he wants to continue leading--to be a "productive" presidential leader figure of not only our country but in any and all international mannerisms, too. Let us all have that in-it-to-win-it ambition ... of being proud to be Americans. Proud of it. Proud of having pride in all of our American behaviors and attitudes. Then, not just Trump but we all will have won.